MacKenna: Oooohhh!!! I don't think this is a good idea!
DJ: Don't worry, Trust me, it's ok... my mom's busy with the camera!

MacKenna: Ok...count me in! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh DJ and Kenna!
Well.....as you can see, after all that fun; they're sleeping like angels!

Say it with me, Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!

That is too funny how his legs are hangin out the stroller. Too cute.
Awwwwe. Babies are cute.
I forgot why I came over here. Oh, because I saw your comment and realized I hadn't check in a couple of days.
Cute pictures! It looks like you decided to not cut your son's hair.
knocked. out. YAY!!
Awww they are so cute.
I love the "trust me" caption, because that is exactly what he is saying!
I love the way DJ's legs are arranged. He looks like he fell asleep immediately! LOL :)
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