Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sharing is Caring!

Hello Everyone,

DJ here!

Here's a pic of me and my buddy G.

Everything was going fine until our moms kept saying...
in very slow voices.......SHAAAAARE--DJ, SHAAAAARE--G.

I have one question is there a reason why mommies always say certain words soooo sloooowly? Is it supposed to really make us want to do it? Share, Be Nice, Give Hugs, Sharing is caring....Are they for real?

The things our moms say sometimes makes me wonder....

For instance,



It always turns out like this...
It's mine, No, It's mine! I want it, no I want it!!! Let go.....Nooooo.....

Oh well....we're buddies and I guess one day all these words will mean something but, for now....We live by the following rules: What's mine is mine and What's his is mine

Hey! moms,

we're baaaaaaabies! we don't shaaaaaaaaaare, we don't plaaaay niiiiiiice allllll the tiiiiiime! what else are we supposed to do? We usually wait until the other gives up then we move on to the next thing!

Friends Forever!


Table4Five said...

Your son has so many adorable friends! And he's adorable too.

Negro D said...

that was a cute post mom.

Anonymous said...

yeah - i think i read that they can't understand 'share' until 2 1/2, but i still say it like that all the time anyway. shaaaaaare!

Anonymous said...

LOL That is SO sweet

Anonymous said...

Very cute- its so funny watching toddlers try to "share".


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