Scene: Driving in the car with my kids today.
We're at a red traffic light.
Danyelle: DJ--what does the red light mean?
DJ: Run it!
Danyelle: MOM!!!! what are you teaching this kid?
DJ: Mommy, you know cauliflower looks like white broccoli?
Me: HUH? Oh yes. You're right. You're so smart.
DJ: I know. Daddy teached me that.
Me: Daddy taught you that?
DJ: No, daddy teached me that.
Me: No, daddy taught you that. The word is taught. Because he already teached it.
DJ: HaHa. You said teached too.
Me: Sigh. Nevermind.
DJ: Knock Knock
ME: Who's there?
DJ: Orange.
ME; Orange who?
DJ: Orange you glad I didn't say lemon?
I could go on and on about the randomness that goes on a daily basis but, this gives you an idea of how much I try to keep up with this kid.
This happened yesterday!
Doorbell rings.
DJ runs to the door, looks out the side window and says, we're not home.
It was the Jehovah's Witness. Gotta love their dedication. I just wasn't prepared. That's all. I usually open the door. Ok, I'm lying. When the bell rings, I whisper to DJ "we're not home ok" I'm so bad. Please don't send me hate mail.
Now that dad's home for the week, I'm not allowed to "ignore" the bell or the phone. He greets everyone. He entertains the telemarkerters too. I cannot wait until my DO NOT call registry kicks in!
He all but, invites people in. He was a recruiter so, he understands the plight of unsolicited contact.
I have told him a million times, "we don't answer the door until mommy, daddy or danyelle says it's ok." He always nods his head in understanding and proceeds to do his own thing. As long as I don't get locked out the house again. I'm OK.
That is too cute!!!
see, this is why I come over here and read. lol
In Utah, J.W.'s almost never come in, they just hand out pamphlets. They are too worried about us Mormons trying reverse conversion.
You can't make this stuff up! :) I'm almost cryin' girl!
my dad entertains everyone, too. drives me INSANE!! lmao @ HaHa. You said teached too!! hilarious.
Telemarketers...I feel bad for them, sucky job but I hate being called 20,000 times a day. Michael put one on hold for an hour and when he went back to hang up the phone the person was still on the line...crazy huh?
Speaking of Mormons, around here it's usually the young boys they send out on their bikes to knock on people's doors and one time I was busy nursing and talking on the phone and they were at the door. So I have a phone in my ear and a baby attached to my boob and without thinking I answered the should of seen their faces, bright, bright red, they handed me their Jesus card and ran off the porch!
Here I am thinking, now why did they run off and then I realize that my blouse open, my boob was out, and a baby was nursing like no tomorrow...oh the horror! come to think of it, that was the last time I saw those
do you still have DJ taking those telemarketing calls?! LOL!!! He is a trip. He teached you a lot today! :)
@Tania--thank you!!!
@deepnthought--you know it :)
@jenna--Oops! :)
@rosemarie--so glad i could make you laugh :) you should try spending a day with this kid. he is too funny!
@jameil--your dad and my husband would get along great :)
@tania--oops! LOL--i love the kids on the bikes. my husband always always stop and talk to them. Always! I love them. they are so dedicated. I'm sure they had a good report when they stopped by your house hat day! LOL
@shelly--you know DJ is still telling telemarketers all of our business. when will the do not call registry kick in?????? well, until it does, they will speak to DJ each and everytime! LOL
Out of the mouth of babes,right ?
You've got a little entertainer on your, comedian...something. Encourage that and then sit back and enjoy early retirement ;)
Kids are just so much fun!!!! Thanks for dropping by. :)
These are funny!
Maybe he'll be a stand up comedian?
Kids say the darndest things!
hahaha You said teached ROTFL
I love DJ, he ROCKS!
Ahh kids. you gotta love them! I remeber when my brother was little. Gosh he would talk nonpstop. now he just turned 21 and I can't get him on the phone for the life of me!
Enjoy your kids while you can. Before you know it they'll be all grown up...
Oh Lordy, that's hilarious.
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