Thursday, July 12, 2007

Take it from me.

I had the brilliant idea to make popsicles with DJ today.

You know, something fun and different.

I showed him how to make them and he felt like a big boy!

Ingredients and Materials Needed:
Ice Tray
Saran Wrap
Berry 100% Juicy Juice*
(1/2 part water! *ALWAYS CUT Juice with Water!*)

Pour Juice/Water Mix into each Cube
Add Fruit of your choice (blueberries, grapes)
Cover Tray with Saran Wrap
Then Stick Tooth picks in and you're ready to put them in the freezer!

This is when all hell broke loose!
In my son's mind, it was time to eat the popsicles right?

WRONG! It was time to put the tray in the freezer for an hour!

Me:By the time you're up from your nap, the popsicles will be ready!
DJ: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I want popsicles! I want popsicles!
Me: We have to let them FREEZE. We have to WAIT! (SCREECH! that's when the breakdown began)
Now why would I say the word WAIT to a toddler? *sigh*

DJ: I want my daddy! I want my daddy!
Me: Oh no he didn't just say he wanted his daddy when I thought we were having a fun time making popsicles.

Needless to say, if you think making popsicles with your toddler is a good idea, think again!

Just go and buy some Otter Pops and call it a day!

Question: Have you ever made popsicles or any fun easy snacks? Do you have any fun recipes to share?


Nikki Neurotic said...

Guess it would be better to make the popsicles during naptime and just surprise him with them when he wakes up...toddlers are into instant gratification. ;)

Maureen said...

When I was young, a neighbor Mom made the bestest popsicles; she added Jello to them to make them fruity, frozen and chewy all at once! I don't have the recipe, but you can probably find one online (or experiment). Geez, that brings back great memories!

Stale Coffee

Anonymous said...

OH my goodness girl you should have known better! I hate that Gav knows the icecream truck music, last summer it didn't faze him, this year, total chaos when he hears the music on what he calls the ice cream bus.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I HATE the I want my Daddy line! Hate it Hate it Hate it! said...

Try jello instant pudding (chocolate) -- ready in 5 minutes! ;)

Believer said...

I don't know how you found me, but I'm glad you did. I really enjoyed this post! =)

Stop by my mommy blog also at...
Growing with Julia

AnnaLiza said...


no i don't think its funny really.
been there, unfortunately done that...

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Girl...had I known you'd attempt to do it, I'd have warned you LOL and YES he did say "he wanted his daddy"!!

The most I've tried making with the kids is jello and that was with my daughters a loooonnnnnnggggg time ago :-)

Keelah said...

QUESTION?? Why do you always cut juice with water????

Anonymous said...

I used to do that all of the time. Apple juice is the BEST juice to use. Iwould pour it right into the ice trays. Sitcks?! Who needs em' :) that I'm back from my trip down memory lane, I would recommend (for a toddler) JELLO pudding. All you need is cold milk and 5 minutes.

In other news, did you hear about the toddler that got put off of the plane recently. A lil' boy repeatedly sang "plane go bye-bye". The flight attendant asked the mother to silence her child. When that didn't happen the attendant recomended Benadryl. And when the mother said "No" They turned the plane around and kicked the pair off the plane.

Shelly- Mom Files said...

I could just picture him now begging for posicles! LOL!! That is still a fun thing that my kids love to do with me.

The Detective said...

Tanyetta..know you know you should have just made some back in the day freeze pops. Kool aid, ice tray, freezer. You can call them magic pops.. see's all juicy now.. but we are going to pour it in the cup, put it in the freezer, then when we wake up from our nap...freeze pops MAGIC.

The Humanity Critic said...

That brings me back to my childhood - good stuff..

Maude Lynn said...

I go through the same thing with my daughter when I make Jello. How many times do I have to say, "It's not ready yet?"

And Daddy can't make ready any faster!

Anonymous said...

Ok that is funny. I think I vaguely remrmber doing something similar when my boys were young. They opened and closed the freezer door so much and ended up dumping them in the freezer. Good times. :)
One of our favorite treats to make was "ants on a log" which is;
Celery and peanut butter with a couple raisins here and there.
They loved 'em.
Kinda messy though....

You're a good Mum.

DivineLavender said...

Daddy's are not the cures to everything....DJ, trust.

And turning the plane around about the child, I would have been cracking up laughing and asking for another glass of wine.

Children need Benadryl for long travels, duh! LOL

Anonymous said...

My sons are forever "going to tell daddy" on me. LOL
I usually make a batch of pops earlier in the day and let them help make a batch and when I pop the ones they made into the freezer I pull the pre-made ones out. I use the popsicle forms and popsicle sticks though. I'll have to try the ice cube idea!

I also like to freeze kiwi fruit and then just cut off the top and you have a natural frozen snack that they can scoop with a spoon. No muss no fuss.

Shelliza said...

I can't make posicles with my son around. He either wants them immediately or to drink the liquid. I make mine with yogurt, fruit juice and frozen berries. I'll have to post it sometime on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Our Favorite Popsicle Recipe:

Blend up
Frozen Strawberries
Fresh Cut PineApple
Handful of Spinach (won't be tasted it's just there for health)
and some organic Apple Juice or Liquid.

Blend Blend Blend.

Pour into popsicle molds to those cool little shaped ice cube molds and freeze.



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