Wednesday, January 4, 2006


DJ and I went to the mall yesterday and I look down and notice he's MISSING
a shoe! Urrgghhhh....I know, I know, we've all been there, but, please know
this isn't just any ordinary shoe, it's the: PLAYDATE, ROUGH AND TOUGH AND ALL
THAT STUFF pair of shoes. You know the ones that can take a licking and keep on
ticking...PANIC sets in..I'm thinking OH NOOOOOOOOO I cannot LOSE that shoe!
Needless to say I had to retrack my steps frantically, it was a scene out of the
twilight zone! Hi,
umm hello, Have you seen this shoe? Hi, I was just in here, has anyone
turned in a shoe, etc...

Here's the kicker: What is the purpose of asking my SON ohhh honey did you
lose a shoe?
DJ: mom thinks it's fun to run around looking for a shoe we didn't
lose. Here's your sign.

Geez! I tell you, the more I ran around asking the more I just said oh
forget it, it's lost let's go home. But, then I remembered they were on
sale, it was the last pair, there's NO more out there...GO F I N D that

The last store we went into goes like this:
Lady with glasses 1/2 way perched on her nose: Hi, may I help you?
Mom: Hi, Did anyone turn in a shoe? (all the while pointing at DJ's shoe)
Lady with glasses 1/2 way perched on her nose: (bends down and begins
talking to DJ) Did you lose your shoe honey?
DJ: (I'm just a baby ask the wild woman pushing the stroller)
Mom: Ummm Hi..Hello, did anyone turn in a shoe?
Lady with the most annoying pair of glasses hanging off her nose: What does
it look like?
Mom: (thinking to herself, Is this lady serious?) Like this one!
The lady who's about to lose her glasses if she bends down any further: SHE
is a cutie! What's HER name?
Mom: (ok if she thinks HE's a GIRL, then I have no chance in finding the other
shoe, Note to self: I'm going to get her some new glasses)
MOM: HE'S a boy
MOM: (I'm not even going to answer that)
Lady: HE'S too cute to be a boy, With all that hair he looks likes a girl.
MOM: Ohhh, ummm hi, did anyone turn in a shoe?
Lady: (touching DJ's hair) Mommy needs to cut your hair honey.
MOM: (Ok...the next person that says anything about cutting my son's hair
will lose their tongue)
Lady: What's his name?
Lady: What does DJ stand for?
MOM: Darrin, Jr
Lady: Is he named after DAD?
MOM: areyoukiddingmerightnow!


Anonymous said...

Yay I get to leave the first comment! Happy Blogging to you :)

Andie D. said...

I'm laughing hard at my computer @ 5:45 AM and my baby is looking at me like I'm crazy!

Did you ever find the shoe?


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