Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Annoying Little Brothers

Has anyone ever had an annoying little brother? No? Well, me either but,
if he was doing half of what DJ was doing to his friend Damier (see attached
photo) I can only imagine what the outcome would be!

Damier: Oh great, this kid just took my Elmo from me! This is going to be a
LONG car ride!
DJ: See, See, at least I'm not touching you!
Damier: Will someone PLEASE!!!! get this kid away from me!
DJ: Hey, I'm trying to get your attention! My fingers are sticky and I
took your elmo don't you care?!?
Damier: Will someone PLEASE!!! get this kid away from me or i'm going to
pop him!
DJ: See, See, at least I'm not touching you! Hee Hee Snort Snort!!

I know many of you are thinking..Ummm, Kim why are you taking pictures of
this, why aren't you stopping DJ from bothering Damier?

Well, my answer to that would be: If I didn't take this awesome picture I
wouldn't have material for my blog!


Have a great week people!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work »


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