Friday, February 17, 2006

'Hair' to Stay

Hello Everyone....DJ here-

It's official, my mom says it's 'hair' to stay or at least until SHE DECIDES THAT IT'S TIME to cut it.

So there you have it!!!

Thank you one and all for your comments. I especially loved the email from a dear friend who says they LOVE that I mix it up for DJ.
Braids one week, Afro the next!

To sum up what people said: Forget what people say, it's your baby! They're just jealous! LOL.... Thanks again!


city dweller said...

wait- that's a boy???
just kidding!lol.

Zephra said...

I tried to comment yesterday but Blogger didn't want to cooperate. I just wanted to tell you what a cute little boy you have. I love the braids.

Valerie said...

I love that boys hair! He is sure a cutie pie. I blogrolled you so I don't forget to come back.

Stephanie said...

He rocks the 'fro. Rocks! I love teh rows too but a baby w/a 'fro gets me every time.

Saw a little boy w/ dreads once. He was about the happiest toddler I've ever seen.

Andie D. said...

You are his mommy and it's your choice to keep his hair full or cut it, corn row it, lock it, whatever dammit! Don't let anyone else's preconceived notions of what a boy's hair "should" look like get to you.

This child is beautiful anyway - hair or no!

Anonymous said...

What? People tell you to cut it? Are they crazy? He is delicious, don't touch the hair. Baby fro's rock.
People used to get all pissy when we'd shave my son's hair. We gave birth to them, its our right to do what we want with their hair.
By the way that little vest outfit is yummy!

Granny said...

Finally got back. Love the look. The girls have been experimenting with theirs. We've straightened, unstraighted, cut, not cut, and I'm hopeless. I solve my hair by cutting it so short I can shake my head in the morning and be set for the day. Fortunately, I've had some help and the girls are learning. My bathroom usually shows the results of their efforts. (lol)

Anonymous said...

Good decision, your son's hair looks good, AND, it's nobody's business anyway.

We used to try to let Cody's hair grow and it just didn't work. He would pick and twirl it until he picked a spot. Nervous Nelly.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love his hair!! I just want to know how you get him to let you comb it out like that.

*Tanyetta* said...

Yolanda, there's method to the madness trust me. I'll send you the 'secret' on how I get him to sit still.

Sylvie said...

Your so is a cutie pie. I have also gone back and forth about whether I should cut my sons 'fro I have to almost sit on him to get him to be still so I can braid it.


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