My ankles used to be just raw. Love those little shopper in training carts though. The girls have finally become too tall but it was such fun when each of the 3 of them had a cart (Elcie used hers like a walker. I had to be careful tomake sure the items in each cart came out even.
OOOOwww!! That went right through me! I have had that happen and it bloody hurts! Not sure those little carts are such a good idea really?? If my kids saw them they would fill them up with crap and expect me to buy it!
We used to have those trolleys at our local supermarket. However they have now taken them away. I think too many customers had those pushed against their ankles!
Awww! We have a grocery store that has those. Except it is the expensive grocery store so we never shop there. But the Children's musem lets them push around little carts and shop too.
My ankles used to be just raw. Love those little shopper in training carts though. The girls have finally become too tall but it was such fun when each of the 3 of them had a cart (Elcie used hers like a walker. I had to be careful tomake sure the items in each cart came out even.
hehe that is awesome! None of the places we hit have those :( He is so cute!!
Mick and I joke around when the kids become obsessed with something until ANOTHER something catches their eyes: "Ooooh! Something shiny!"
OOOOwww!! That went right through me! I have had that happen and it bloody hurts! Not sure those little carts are such a good idea really?? If my kids saw them they would fill them up with crap and expect me to buy it!
My store has those too. They are so cute.
We used to have those trolleys at our local supermarket. However they have now taken them away. I think too many customers had those pushed against their ankles!
Awww! We have a grocery store that has those. Except it is the expensive grocery store so we never shop there. But the Children's musem lets them push around little carts and shop too.
Ha how cute and funny! I am finally going to let Christopher push the little shopper's cart this week at Henry's
How did I miss this one! Ha.
Cody loves to go to Kroger, only because he can use the little carts like these. I spend all my time keeping him from running into people.
Excellent, love it!
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