Sunday, June 11, 2006


Hello Everyone!

Miss Danyelle has officially completed her first year of college!
She has decided to take the summer off from school and 'chill' out.
Being the mom that I am, I had to ask her exactly what does 'chill' out

It went a little like this:

Me: So, what are you planning to do for the summer?
Her: I don't know
Me: Do you have an idea?
Her: Yes
Me: Well, what's your idea?
Her: I don't know
Me: Well, I hope you're not planning to sit around all summer and do nothing.
Her: Well, mom now that you mentioned it, I think that's exactly what I will do.
Me: Silence (should of kept my mouth shut) HaHa.....

No seriously, she's planning a few road trips (Monterey and San Francisco)--Well, that's all I could get out of her.
It's hard work trying to get information from a teenager grownup. (She reminds me that she will be 19 yrs. old this year every chance she gets) *sigh*

Here's her grades for this semester:
Term GPA
Course Section Title Final Grd Credits
Intercultural Relat
Abnormal Psychology
Interpersonal Communication
Human Sexuality

As you can imagine, we are truly proud of her!


Negro D said...


i ♥ you.

Granny said...

What a face!! And what an accomplishment as well.

Please congratulate her for me.

Granny said...

I tried to check in on your daughter's blog to say hi. Is it closed? No big deal.

Atasha said...

Haha...sounds like a conversation I had with my mom uhhh a few years...well more than a few years back. I only wish I got the same response..

Congrats to your daughter!

TJ said...

Congratulations to Danyelle!!
I think she needs a break~sounds like she's been working really hard.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Oh to be 19 again and being able to decide to sit around and do nothing.

Stephanie said...

Yay for her!! You must be so proud.

PS. Did you ever get Leigh added to your blogroll? Did it work?

Anonymous said...

Good for your daughter! Sounds lie a good summer plan. I know I would have loved to not do anything during my summer vacations.

ipodmomma said...

found your blog via Atasha and Granny... your son is adorable, and your daughter very lovely...

how wonderful, to get another go at parenthood... mine are 17, 16 and 13... and they are too grown up already. :)))

Anonymous said...

That rocks!!
Going for a psychology degree???
Hope she has a great summer full of memories and good times (will still listening to her Mom's great advise!)

meljoy said...

hey! thanks for stopping by my blog, dude, you took like the same classes tyhat I took between the fall and spring semesters. I have taken every sociology course possible in this college. I also took interpersonal communication. this spring I will be taking human sexuality (which is actually a psych course here). Anyway, that's pretty awesome, thanks for stopping by my blog! Great grades!

Negro D said...

thanks everyone for the congrats.
time to relax.

while i can.


shade said...

Wow, congrats on the grades... enjoy the summers while you can!!!!

A Girl Again said...

what a super picture! congrats to her AND to you!


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