Friday, July 21, 2006




Take the Photo

Of course!!!!!!
Wouldn't you do the same?


Atasha said...

Yes I would, I'd do just the same. As a matter of fact I've done it so many times. Hey sometimes you only have one opportunity to get the shot right!

Drea said...

Oh my gosh your lil boy is SO CUTE! I love his hair.

Trisha said...

Anything for the memories, right. Totally digging his Elmo swim trunks. Too cute!!

Anonymous said...

I do it all the time. Take the picture!

Jenn said...

Oh OF COURSE take the photo first...

Anonymous said...

HAHAAHA I so so agree to take the photo first!!! Aren't we evil!! I love it!

TJ said...

Ahhh...say Yes's hot out after all!!

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Here by way of Tammy....I'm so sorry for the moron who sent you the evil email. We're not all like that, and I hope they leave you alone. I left some words on Tammy's blog, along with several other bloggers, that might help you get rid of him/her. :-)

Now on to that gorgeous little hunk of man! I'd like to hug him up and smooch him all over his face! He's adorable. :-)

And BTW: Thanks to your hubby for his service in the military. I for one am most grateful for his and your sacrifice, especially missing out on part of the little man's childhood. Those are precious times that can never be brought back. God Bless him and your family as he serves, and I pray he comes home safely. :-)


SnowWhite said...

What a gorgeous wee boy you have, my son Jonah also loves Elmo or as he says Melmo, lol. Came throught Kentucky girl , she is a top blogger huh, nice to meet nice people on line, as for others water off a ducks back honey nothing more, Take care and keep smiling too.
; ) Shona

Susie said...

I came here by way of Tammy's too!
So sorry for the trouble you've had.
Thankfully most bloggers are very friendly and tend to really look out for one another.
Your little one is adorable :-)
I'm echoing Diane, but please thank your husband for all he is doing for our country...

*Tanyetta* said...

Thank you Ladies for all the LOVE. I'm on my way to a moms night out. It's very OVERdue and it's time for me to laugh and have some fun again. So, I will be posting again real soon. Until then, have a great weekend. I'll be in touch!!!!!!!

Melany aka Supermom said...

LOL I would take the photo and say no afterwards. Can't miss a photo opportunity!!!

Mama Duck said...

Ha ha ha, I reach for the camera first too!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!


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