We're driving in the car coming home today and the light turns green and DJ says:
It wasn't until I started to drive that I just realized he said what he said.
This is when I had the following conversation with him:
Me: DJ you're growing up too fast. It's hard to believe you're 20 months old already.
DJ: No. (that's his generic answer to everything lately)
Me: It was just like yesterday you were swaddled in a blanket, now you bury your face in the blanket. That still SCARES me when you do that. Stop it.
DJ: Stop it!
Me: Yes, stop it.
It was at that moment, I realized we were at STOP light. Geez. Does anything get past him?
My question to you: What was some of the funniest things your toddler (kids) has said or done lately?
"Mom, I love you. You'll always be my best friend. Even when I'm big. And married. And my wife doesn't like you."
I LOOOVE alissa's reply!
My son doesn't have a good grasp of language because of the autism, but he does say a few choice phrases when he wants to get things out...
So I bought some cheezits and a few cases of organic soda and a few cases of regular soda (I'm sorry I need some REAL processed sugar in my diet), which Aaron will damn near die for. So it's breakfast time and he's shoving cheezits in his mouth by the handful and I say "Aaron, are you eating crackers?" He says "No." and cracker crumbs fly out of his mouth. About three seconds after he says no, he sneezes and all this orangey cracker powder flies out of his mouth. He wipes his mouth and goes "Some soda Mel?" And I'm dying, I'm in friggin stitches, so I said "No, you have to drink the other stuff", so he holds out his two little arms and goes "Trust me!" with the biggest shit eatin grin you ever saw!
I dunno what MOVIE he got that from, but he needs to stop watching tv!
And yea, he got some soda:-)
Five year old grandson called me the other night from the t-ball field...Hey Nanny, I just hit a home run...whatsya gonna get me???
Nanny has just become a get me factory...lol!!!
Tammy----DJ wants to know what you're sending him. You're his granny too!!!!
He just learned some new words! LOL
I'll just give you the clean one. This week past Cody said his daddy's tummy looked like his teacher's tummy - the pregnant teacher. He insisted daddy was going to have a baby too.
nice pic too!
Alissa--that was priceless. love it. haha.....
Meljoy--Trust me! I love it....that was tooo cute.
Leigh--I've been trying to leave comments on your blog. It won't allow me to. why??? Just so you know, I've been reading your blog but, I can't leave comments. Love cody's comments! Daddy's having a baby!
Sure you ask me and I draw a complete blank! We have been laughing so hard around here lately too and I told J that I am loving her sense of humour lately!
Well my son is now getting the hang of this talking business but once after I had a long day in the garage, searching for something that I never found, I got pretty messy. It is very dusty in there. So I'm taking a shower and my son is peeping in the curtains watching the water. He said, "YUCK! Dirty" I can't believe I just exposed myself like this.
1girl2boys-welcome! i just checked out your page! that was me that posted comments on each and every post. LOL
Atasha--that was hilarious! tooo funny.
Chelle--I can't wait for us to meet up somewhere, DJ and becca have to meet.!!!
"do you love mummy?"
"do you love daddy then?"
"do you love choccy?"
Followed by infectious giggles!
Just found your blog from CrazyHipMamas and stayed FOREVER. Gotta share this one with you. In the bathtub with my son the other night. He is learninf how to wash himself and as he does he says "Bailey wash arm, leg, etc." He just started to wash his penis and loked up at me. "What is Daddy's penis doing?" My startled reply, "I don't know." Bailey shrugged and said "Guess he took it to work with him."
My older son was 3 when I was pregnant with my youngest.
He looked at me one day and said "mommy, I want a colored baby".
I took a deep breath and finally said "Oh? What color would you like?"
"Purple", he said.
He went from there to wanting five of them and even had the names picked out.
He's now 38 and has never lived it down.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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