Wednesday, July 12, 2006

That's my boy!

Darrin came home from work yesterday and this is what happened:

DJ:Dat my daddy!
Me: Oh my goodness did you hear what he just said?
Daddy: Of course. That's my boy!
Me: DJ, who's that? (pointing to daddy)
DJ: My daddy!

His eyes light up when he sees his daddy and I think it's the most amazing thing to see.

I am clueless on how I'm going to explain to him that his daddy won't be coming home for 7 months. Maybe I won't tell him. He'll be 2 in October will he notice?

Deployments suck.


Granny said...

He'll notice. You can share letters, pictures, etc. with him.

It's going to be hard but the time will pass.

I'll pray for his safe return.

Atasha said...

Oh dear, yes he will notice. My son noticed when daddy was gone for only 1 week and he was younger than DJ is now. Sometimes when my husband is away for a couple days at a time, Christopher gets real crabby. Poor thing. You 2 will just have to keep real busy and I'll join you on some of those "busy" days.

Anonymous said...

Man 7 months! Jamison is in Texas right now until Friday and Alexis is beside herself! I'm sure DJ will adjust though, but I hope the 7 months goes by very fast for all of you!

meljoy said...

Yea, he'll notice. I'm sorry :-( That's gotta be hard. I have a hard time delaing with Aarn now and Abe's ALWAYS here. I have no idea how short my patience will run after I move out :-(

Anonymous said...

He'll notice. Drew was a bit over 3 and Nick was 15 months old when their Daddy left for the police academy. He was gone from September until mid-February, with a week home at Christmas. Both boys were sad. The worst times were the first week, and the first week after he went back after Christmas. Phone calls helped, photo albums helped. It also helped to stay busy. We tried to not sit around the house alot, but that was difficult because it was winter and the weather was bad.

It was also difficult when he came home, because we had adjusted to a new routine without him. It took us all about a month to get back into the swing of things.

kirida said...

As everyone has said, he will notice. I keep one of my husband's shirts around so my son will be comforted by the smell.

One of my cousins had her husband record himself on video reading books so that her daughter would still see and hear him while he was gone.

I hope the time flies quickly for you.

Anonymous said...

I think he'll notice too, and it will be hard because he can't really understand it.

city dweller said...

whaaaat!? he will notice. keep lots of photos around!

Anonymous said...

awwwwwww that is so tough! Back in April, J went home before we did and we were seperated for 9 days. Becca knew the instant he left that he was gone :(

You tell him that his Daddy is working and his job is very important and explain to him (on his level) what his Daddy does. That will help at least I think so!

Awwwww Mona has a great idea!! You should video tape him reading some stories or even just talking to DJ!!!

TJ said...

Bummer on the deployment...hope you find ways to be as close as you can...I would show him his daddy's picture every night before he goes to bed and teach him to say a little prayer for his daddy

*Tanyetta* said...

Thanks everyone for your kind words of support. As you can imagine, I'm starting to get the 'empty' feeling in the pit of my stomach. It doesn't help when people say: I don't know how you do it. Humph, I don't either but, I do. Thanks again and I'll keep you all posted on my state of being. I promise not to take a LONG walk on a SHORT pier. LOL

Jenn said...

That genius also says turtle! Ahh DJ!

When Darrin is gone, lean on me all you want.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you hubby is going away.

Anonymous said...

if he's anything like my girls yeah he'll notice

both my girls are daddy's girls tothe hilt!!! and if he's even one day off on his work schedual, which does happens sometimes, they freak on me...

hugs for the upcomming event

will pray for his safe return

taks lots of pics and lamenate them for while he's gone.. it does help

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Your little guy is a DOLL! Love your blog, too!

Jenn said...

Aww I'm new to the blog...but yea, that's sad. Poor thing. And he's adorable!!! Seems like you have a great group of friends here. Like they said keep busy, and try and keep in contact with pictures and phonecalls and stuff. =\

j.sterling said...

let's be positive here... at least it's "only" 7 months, instead of 2 years, right?? ah man, i know this sucks.. hang in there. BIG HUGS!

*Tanyetta* said...

Hi Ladies, Thank you Thank you. My inbox has been flooded with support. I've even had some NEW visitors to my blog. I'm honestly trying to keep up with posting on this page. I have so much to say. I just need the energy to post it. You know???????? Ok.....have a great weekend and I'll be in touch. I'm reading each and every email. Thank you.

Atasha said...

Hi lady, I've been waiting/checking for a new entry from you :-)

K. said...

Deployments DO suck. I worry about my son completely forgetting his dad when he gets deployed next year. My boy will be 18 months when Daddy leaves. A weird age that would make it so easy for him to forget who his father is. :(

meljoy said...

no new posts :-(?

Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom said...

Sorry to hear that. 7 months...

He'll notice for sure, but keep reminding him that no matter what daddy will always be there in his heart.

He'll understand your words. I bet.


Andie D. said...

This post made my heart ache.

My kids have a hard time when Daddy's away for a few DAYS. Which he does a couple of times a week.

I really like that idea of taking video of Darrin reading. Maybe you could take few different ones: different books, made up stories, songs, or Darrin just telling DJ how much he loves him & misses him.

Deployments DO suck. Where will he be?

Kimi said...

I know how you feel! I'm in for some of that sooner than I want to be. It's good you have video of them together. He can watch those when he's gone. Plus you could have him "help" you make stuff to send to him. That might help some. Hope it goes by fast for you.

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.


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