Friday, July 28, 2006

Toddler Laws

Here's DJ with his shirt and pig. Take a closer look at the wording on the shirt.

Well, that explains it all, now doesn't it? Toddlers, ahh the joy!!
Please tell me this 'PHASE' will not be forever.

**She got it from the best place on earth**


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Anonymous said...

love the t-shirt where can i find one? That is so my daughter.

*Tanyetta* said...

Wolfbaby--she got it from the best place on earth! Target! ;)

Granny said...

Some of them never stop thinking that way.

TJ said...

I'm with granny...I thought hmmm when does this behavior stop???
Hope you are having a great day my friend...come see me...I'm on the Bloggy Tour of Homes and you can see my apartment on a slide show.

Anonymous said...

I think that's the KIDS law of property. :-)

What a nice big sister!

Anonymous said...

heheh great T!!!!

Anonymous said...

Boy isn't that shirt the truth! LOVE it! :)

city dweller said...

Oh, i'm definitely getting that! how adorable. and true, too!

Teresa said...

That pretty much sums it up!

Atasha said...

Hey does that T-shirt come in adult sizes?

Atasha said...

I want one

Negro D said...

awww. mom thanks.
i thought the shirt was funny-so i had to get it.

Atasha. is hilarious.

it's 6.99 and biggest is 5T.

Anonymous said...

I love that shirt! We got one for Gavin at Target. So true on so many levels LOL!

Atasha said...

Oh darn it, I definitely cannot squeeze these DD in that. "sigh"
Oops can I say that here?

meljoy said...

awww, thats really cute! I loooove target! I was there last week and I saw it and was going to get it, but they don't have it in Aaron size :-( his favorite words are: No, Share, and Mine. Usually they come in that order.

"Aaron can you share your toy will Billy?"... "No."

Aaron walks up to Billy: "Billy share!"

Billy shares, Aaron takes it, walks away and says "Mine."

Sangindiva said...

I have gone allllll through your blog! hahhaaha!
I love the pictures of your baby boy and all the joys you have with him!
What a blessing for you!
Sorry to hear about your husband's deployment.
I'll put him on my prayer list so God brings him back to yall safely and quickly.

Marsha Loftis said...

LOL!!! Cute sweet of big sister to buy little brother shirt and piggy. I think this stage of it's mine pretty much last forever...doesn't it???? :)

My daughter has a shirt that says "Will trade big brother for a pony."

Negro D said...

mom. im trying to find one that says blame my sister.
but all they have is blame my brother.

Anonymous said...

I've totally got to go pick up one of those shirts for EBaby- good grief I'm so ready for this phase to end!

Leigh said...

Love that shirt, and DJ looks so serious!

Lara said...

My 17 month old is just learning "The Code". It all belongs to her now. She has decided that my 8 and 6 year old are "the enemy" and they need their senses slapped into them if they get too close to her, HER stuff and HER mommy!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a beautiful baby!

The Sarccastik Variable Why said...

now that's funny....i might have to "cop" that for my lil'sarccastik.....

Crystal said...

Oh my gosh, too funny - love that shirt! That would be perfect for my son. Your son is so handsome. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

meljoy said...

hey, yer not allowed to make fun of my shorts! yer supposed to be on my side! haha, no it's all gravy, and of course I did! I thought I was going to go running (and I dont care what I look like when I run), but it ended up being too hot :-(...

K. said...

Is this what I have to look forward to? ;)


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