As many of you know, Darrin and I go on dates just to gross our teenager out! At least that's what she seems to think. She thinks it's rather gross that her parents still kiss, go out on dates and most of all still do the humpty dance. Oh well, she'll live.
We went out to dinner. It's our #2 fav restaurant.
I had a coupon which of course I'm sure annoyed him so much because once I pulled it out, all I heard was: I'll be outside! What is it with some men and coupons?
Oh, he just reminded me that I had a FREE movie ticket so, getting my money back would be out of the question. Urrgh!!!! Still, I could have used that FREE movie ticket on something else, like, going to see CARS or anything but...THE MOST BORING MOVIE I THINK I'VE EVER SEEN IN A LONG TIME! I STILL WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!
Please! don't bother posting how much you loved the movie, I will DELETE your comment that's how bad I hated this movie! LOL
Just kidding about the deleting of your comments, just wanted to show how seriously I am about hating this movie!
Ok....then after that we came home to find that big sister took care of her brother and he was in bed by 9. WOW. Now if only she can show me how she worked that magic.
Overall it was a really great time. It didn't really matter that the movie sucked or my salad tasted like woodchips, the only thing that mattered was, we were on a date and we had adult conversation without food being tossed up in the air while we ate!
Dates are important. I wish we had a Black Angus here. Our local place is quite good but maybe not that good.
I never did like Miami Vice on t.v. so I sure wouldn't bother with the movie. I'll take your word for it.
You're now up to a week from yesterday (yesterday being Friday, the 11th)
Jamison is the EXACT same way about coupons! LOL I just gave up trying to use them a long time ago when he's around. It's just a guy thing! LOL :)
Even if the movie sucked, the food was good, right? And I'm sure you enjoyed the company.
I haven't been on a 'date' with my husband in nearly 2 years. No kidding.
Date night? Huh? What's that?
GOOD FOR YOU! And thanks for the head's up about Miami Vice. I'm no Collin Farrell fan, but I do love me some Jaime Foxx. Too bad.
ya'll are such a cute couple!!!
Some people pay good money to go places where they toss your food in the air! lol j/k
I'm sure it was nice not to have unwanted food tossed in your face. I'm glad you had fun!
Thanks Ladies,
Yes, me and huz try to go on date nights at least once a week. It usually ends up being about twice a month though.
I guess when people ask why we waited so long to have more kids we can say: built in babysitting services duh!!!! LOL
Ooo a date night!!! I am glad you had a good time despite the boring movie and woody salad!
you crack me up...the humpty dance???hahahahah. seriously thought, i havent seen the movie but i must admit my hubz thought it was the bomb! Oh well...i think its great you and mr.tanyetta get out for dates so often.
Awww, that's sweet. I think that's what keeps a marriage fun, doing things as a couple. Of course, I'm one to talk. We really have to work at scheduling couple time.
Your hubby is very handsome :-)
That is soo cool that youmake a date time for each other and so important as well!!
Sorry the movie sucked but glad you got to have a lovely date night together(you make such a beautiful couple) :)
Lucky you. I need a date with my hubby, just the two of us, but it ain't gonna happen.
Date nights are the best. I think it's great that you guys go out together. My and my man need to do that more often.
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