This post is directly from my husband:---
I thought it was too funny not to post it so here goes:
So I take DJ's diaper off and put him on the
potty while I get in the shower. (our normal routine).
He gets up and starts playing while I'm washing up.
He comes to the shower saying Daddy! Daddy! with a
worried look and holding something in his hand.
Yes, it was a handful of shit. I start screaming for
Kim (cause I don't want to clean it up) and he gets
scared from me yelling. Kim runs in and sees the pile
of fudge sitting there and screams "OH SHIT"!!!!!!!!!!!
To which DJ starts screaming "OH SHIT" "OH SHIT"
over and over.
That was some funny shit.
Kids, gotta love em........
ok I seriously could not stop laughing!!!! That is sooo cute!!
I am sharing some blog love today, so here we go. I look forward to seeing DJ's smiling face every time you post. Your love for your family glows on your blog and the fun you have with your son is awesome. I look forward to meeting you at some point while we are so close in proximity! Becca & DJ would adore each other! Have a wonderful Weekend!
It's funny the first 10 times. When he presents you a proud handful of diarrhea, it's not as funny ;) Trust me.
At least someone got to him before he started interior decorating with it.
It could have been worse.
yA'LL...i NEEDed a lauGh...I reALy diD!!!
LMAO!! That is too funny!
I just wanted to say how much I love reading your blog! DJ is totally adorable and I have really loved seeing him grow up. You have also inspired me to try and do more stuff with Joey and I think he has really grown as a result. More than anything I wish that all of us blogging Mums lived close enough to have a great big play date because J would LOVE hanging out with DJ!
Aahhh yes....I would pay to be there to see that! Christopher is my echo you know. I said something much worse when I was driving you know who repeated me.
I love that kid!
Ha, ha, ha!! I have been missing out on some good reading this last week or so.
This is just too funny!! What else can you say in this kind of situation.
here it is march 2008 and that sh!t is still funny!
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