DJ said his FIRST complete sentence and I wasn't there to hear it. Am I sad? Of course but...........Daddy was there and that's all good with me.
Ok. So they're in the dressing room and DJ's trying to climb on top of the bench. Clear as day he says: "Daddy, help me up!"
Darrin said it took him a minute to process that DJ actually said a clear sentence. You know it's usually, Daddy, Grunt, Grunt, Up, Up, blabber, blabber.
Then!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they're at the mall at this station where they have pet crabs with the cute shells that are painted, etc..
Darrin says, "DJ watch out for the crabs!!" Then DJ said: "They go pinch you!" WHAT??????????????????? His first EBONIC sentence! LOL
Ok so.....last night we're sitting around just relaxing and DJ comes in the room and says: "I potty, change me." He had a pamper in his hand and lays down.
People!!!!!!!!! Where's my baby????????? Darrin and I just bust out laughing!

I think it's the haircut. It made him grow up too fast. I want my baby back. I need a hug.
Kids are amazing. One day it's blabber, blabber, blabber and the next day it's words! Then they look at you like "Come on Mom! Get with the picture!" LOL :)
He's a big boy now!
I know what you mean... they grow up so darn fast... where did the time go?
great posts lately.
and i ♥ the random links the best.
He is lookin' awful growny!!!
but still cute...now you'll have trouble keeping him quite...he'll start tellin' all your secrets :-O
LOL at "his first ebonic sentence"!
They do grow up so fast. I missed Nick's first steps. He did that at the sitter's house. One morning, not walking. That afternoon, walking.
awww, I wish aaron spoke like that :-(
awwwww the sentences are perfect...they grow way too fast!! I need another one just to relive it all!!!
LOL! I am cracking up! Girl it must be the haircut! I potty change me! Oh that one you will remember for years to come! With diaper in hand to boot! You've got to be kidding me. That's up there with my nephew Evan when he was about 2 or so told my brother in-law "Mark, I need my diaper change!" LOL! These kids are too much.
Man they grow up too fast.
OMG the two of them all dressed alike? Cutestest thing ever!!!!
How adorable is your son!! Its so weird to realize just how quickly the time goes by.
Wonderful and informative web site.I used information from that site its great.
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