Tuesday, September 19, 2006

50 cents and a smile.

DJ and I have this agreement. Don't act up in the store and I'll let you get on the Burt and Ernie ride! Yes people, I bribe my son with a 50 cent ride!

Needless to say, all through the store, he says: "Ride Burr-Urrnee Mommy??" "Ride Burr-Urnee Mommy??"

I have to admit, he was so good in the store. Didn't take any clothes off the racks, Didn't throw a fit because he wanted to get out and run wild in the store, he used his inside voice and played with his toys and ate his snacks while mommy shopped.

Awww.......this is a treat well deserved: Wouldn't you agree?

* If only I could get him to be this good when we go to restaurants*--I'm dreaming I know~
Sep 19, 2006 - 4 Photos


Monkey Man Miles said...

Awwwwwwwww that was a nice treat. You blog is so adorable. I love the pix of ur family. I read ur comment on stinkfoot's blog amd thought i'd check it out.


Atasha said...

I am guilty for bribing my boy almost everyday. He used to throw really nasty fits when it was time to leave the park. Now he comes along quietly, opens the car door for me and even starts the car, which is not good. Why, because his mommy whispers in his ear, lets get some fries!

Schatzi said...

He is too cute!!

I used to bribe my kids too when they were that little! Now that they are older, I just threaten them. lol J/K No.. Seriously.

We recently went to my company picnic and the kids were SO good. On Monday at work everyone was telling me how good & polite they were. That's because I threatened them in the truck, "You better not embarrass me!" ;)

Whatever works!

Anonymous said...

I bribe my boys with Hot Wheels. "Behave and you can each pick a car!" Works like a charm and only costs me $150.

Cute picture!

K. said...

Yes I agree. Very well deserved. I will have to remember your method as my Bean gets a bit older. ;)

*Tanyetta* said...

simplyschatzi--I read your blog erryday but, I can't leave comments :(
p.s. someone please! send this to her! :)

Teresa said...

I have always bribed whenever possible!

I'm new to your site too! What a little cutie you have there!


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