Friday, September 15, 2006

Almost 2-What to do!

Guess who's turning 2 next month!

I'm stumped.

I'd like to know what are you planning for your little one's 2nd birthday party?
How did you celebrate it?

Help!!!!! :)--Please share your: 'don't break the bank' ideas that are fun, easy to plan, and most of all memorable

(Invitation/Announcement, party, food, cake, games, Ideas, etc...)


K. said...

Your DJ is getting so big! Two years old.... wow!!

Crystal said...

For Aaron's 2nd b-day we did an Elmo themed party - had it in our backyard with tables and chairs set up in the garage. We grilled - had hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, chips, pretzels, doritoes, deviled eggs, baked beans and pasta salad. Oh and huggie drinks for the kids and sodas for the adults. I bought a volleyball net, he has a swingset and sandbox and plenty of toys (cuz he's spoiled) lol - so the kids had plenty of things to do. Oh and I did loot bags for the kids. It was quite inexpensive - bought most of my decorations and party stuff from the Dollar store and had Walmart do the cake. Have fun planning DJ's 2nd b-day party!

TJ said...

my daughter just themes the party around whatever they are interested in at the age...btw...what day is it?

Atasha said...

My poor son is deprived. His 2nd birthday party didn't break us at all because he had none. Poor thing. I need to do something when he turns 3. Hopefully he won't be scared for life. I have no ideas..sorry! I'm worthless aren't I?

Anonymous said...

We live in an apartment with a pool so we had a pool party. I made the invitations out of dollar store materials and for goody bags the kids received a bucket with a shovel, beach ball and inner tube all from the dollar store. Everyone had fun and Becca loved her party.

I say keep it low key and relaxed. 2 is a big year but not that big!

Leigh said...

For Cody's second birthday, my mom and husband held a birthday party at the daycare. This was a tough time period for us, because I was very sick and they were taking care of me and trying to keep Cody's life as normal as possible.

Leigh said...

Oh - I love those pictures you posted at Sea World, especially the kids sitting on the wall.

Anonymous said...

We did a Thomas party for EBoy's second birthday because he was a Thomas fan at the time. I have no idea what we'll do for EBaby since he hasn't held an interest in much of anything so far.


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