Friday, September 22, 2006

Birthday Cake

Ok, I'm not Martha Stewart's the thought that counts.
DJ really enjoyed licking the bowl, and the cake mixers~
Happy birthday Baby Girl~Let's celebrate all week~ You deserve it~
We LOVE you!

danyelle's cake
Sep 20, 2006 - 8 Photos


Atasha said...

Does Martha Stewart cook too? I thought it was mainly crafts! Hell what do I know. You did well. Cakes aren't my area in the kitchen especially when it comes to icing them. I do it about twice a year and I never improve. Luckily for me the husband doesn't care how it looks.

What, are we always up at the same time?

Anonymous said...

It's a pretty cake!

DJ looks adorable with that cake batter. I don't blame him for chowing down--chocolate cake batter is yummy!

Granny said...

It looks about like mine. The girls are doing the cake making and frosting these days.

Big improvement.

Anonymous said...

I think it looks great! I hope she had a wonderful birthday! :)

TJ said...

right now...fasting for surgery...I could eat that whole cake by myself...girl...ya'll can have all the Martha Stewart food you want...I love stuff like this the best!!!

Schatzi said...

My kids beg for the beater.. They'd be jealous that DJ got the whole bowl!!

Beautiful cake!!

Kristen said...

How sweet! I think it's a beautiful cake, and I'm sure she loved it!! :-)

Thanks for coming by my blog and commenting on my 125th post!! I reached my goal! :-) I hope you'll come back and visit again sometime!

Melissa said...

A lovely cake for a beautiful, much-loved girl. Nice work!


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