Saturday, September 16, 2006

Church and Friends!

I received a phone call from a dear sweet friend. Her message was very sweet and to the point. She said: "I would love to see you and DJ at church today."

I'm on my way there hope to see you too! Now how could I not show up?

So, needless to say: DJ and I went to church today. It's been such a long time and I was very shocked the place didn't catch fire once I showed up.
Kanye West once said:
I want to talk to God but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long.

Anyways!!! DJ had a great time! As you can see from the photos (please DO NOT laugh at the blurry fuzzy shots)

DJ, Eli and Ben were the stars of the show! They were even allowed to ring the bell before church service began. How cool is that?

Question: Do you attend church? Has it been a long time since you've spoken to God? Do you feel that it's been too long and he could care less?
Oh and if you're an Atheist, it's my blog, I can say God if I want to! Thanks.

Hope you enjoy the photos. Prepare to squint (Atasha no wise cracks ok ;) LOL

Sep 16, 2006 - 12 Photos


Anonymous said...

How sweet! I am glad you had a good time with DJ!

Granny said...

Answer. We do but I'm a little lax on attendance. We do well for a while, then slack off, then get back.

Believe it or not, I was a church organist when I lived in Arkansas.

You didn't ask, but we're Methodist if you didn't already know.

(And a believer in prayer as long as I don't try to dictate the results).

Atasha said...

Uhmmm.....I didn't see anything in the photos but white specks and a sandy substance. I assume there were people in the pictures, yes?? Okay let me stop, it looks as though he did have a good time.

I am ashamed to tell you the last time I went to church. I do pray though, not just at night any hour of the day. I was baptised Catholic but I don't practice. There are too many things in that church that I don't agree with not to mention all the recent scandal coming to light!

I need to get my butt in church.

superstar said...

just a good life

meljoy said...

I havent been to church since I was young enough to have someone force me through the doors.

I loved the pics of DJ and friends.

Birthday ideas. Hmmm... Aaron's second birthday we had at one of my friends houses, we still spent a lot of money, so I can't say really say what NOT to do, but my friend saved us a lot of money in sharing his house for a day.

This year he'll be 4 and we have NO idea what to do!

Crystal said...

It seems DJ has a great time no matter where he goes. :) You're so funny, now why would the church catch fire? LOL Just bcuz it had a been awhile? I'm sure your friend was happy to see you there as well as the other parishoners.

As for me, I haven't been to church in awhile. I did go back in July bcuz my mom invited me to a special service that she put on, but as for regular attendance we haven't been in quite a while. I keep saying I need to find a good church home but haven't even really looked. I do have a talk with God every now and again, but I will admit I don't pray as often as I should. So, how was the service?

TJ said...

I talk to the Lord every chance I get...His love for me extends beyond my bad habits of missing church...He Loves Me Regardless...always holding my hand...wooing me back...couldn't get rid of Him if I tried!!
Never, no never would he give up on me!!

Leish said...

HE is my Rock!

Midori said...

The last time I went to church was when we got my son baptised in the summer. I am an extremely lapsed catholic but I do pray all the time. People kept questioning why I was getting j baptised if I was so lapsed but it is important to me that he has some kind of religion/ awareness of God in his life and that when he grows up he can choose what he wants to do with it.


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