Monday, September 25, 2006

Concert on the Green

Fun times!!!!!!

DJ and I went to the concert in the park yesterday. It was a last minute decision and I'm so glad we went. As you can see, he had a great time!

First stop:
Face Painting Booth.

She gave him two: American Flag on one hand and a Lion on the other. She really enjoyed when DJ kept saying Rooooooar for the lion.

He ran up and rolled down the hill so many times I lost count.

Then we saw Tristan and his mommy from playgroup and it was like old times again!

Too cute!

The concert featured Polynesian Dancers
A full orchestra with a soloist
All live entertainment. I have to say it was a good time!

I didn't recognize any of the music (40's era) but, I loved dancing to the music just as well.
The amazing thing about music, it's universal and if it has a nice beat, I'm sure to get on the dance floor no matter what.

This was the cutest couple ever!

They really enjoyed DJ climbing on their lawn chairs and eating out of their popcorn bag.
Of course, I went to stop him but, they said let him be~ We love it. How sweet was that.
I couldn't resist taking their photo. After the concert, I mentioned that I admired the love they showed each other. Well, I got more info than I bargained for.

Turns out they're both in their 70's and on their 2nd marriage to each other. I said: Oh, you got re=married? No, they were married for 40 years to their first spouses (who both died) and now they're working on 30+ years together! Wow!

And of course, I smiled and said: Well, sounds like you were meant to be together. Now that I think about it, why did I say that? Did I mean--so glad to hear your spouses kicked the bucket so you could be together? I wonder if that's how they took it. They seemed to be fine with my response. They smiled, held hands and walked off.

Urrgh! Sometimes, I need to just keep my mouth shut!
Overall, it was a really fun day. I'm so glad we went.

Here's the rest of the photos. Enjoy.
Sep 25, 2006 - 41 Photos


Anonymous said...

Those pics are too cute! Glad you had a good time!

Shellie said...

Once again, what a cute little guy. You are so blessed. I doubt the couple took offense to what you said. We are usually harder on ourselves than other people are on us. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that couple understood what you meant!

Looks like a good time. We need more stuff like that around here.

meljoy said...

love the hawk!

Schatzi said...

I bet they knew exactly what you meant. Being blessed to find true love a second time around.. Truely special!

Looks like you and DJ had a great time at the park! Great photos!

Schatzi said...

I bet they knew exactly what you meant. Being blessed to find true love a second time around.. Truely special!

Looks like you and DJ had a great time at the park! Great photos!

TJ said...

Ohhhh Tanyetta, Tanyetta, Tanyetta!!!
This is the best laugh today!!!
Girl you should be around some of my Hubby's hillbilly relatives...they've all traded spouses at least once...I told them not even to got there with us...lmbo!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an amazing time! I so love the hand painting!

I am sure you did not offend them!

Granny said...

I'm a widow who remarried. I'm sure they understand the kindness behind the words.

They're all so cute. I probably would have recognized the music. I like the big band forties stuff even though I was very young then.

Leigh said...

Sometimes the last minute things are the best. It sounds like fun. Great pictures too!

I see you found the counter, that's pretty neat. And if you're still watching Flavor of Love, be sure to watch Sunday for the return of New York's mom. The show has perked up since New York's return.

SnowWhite said...

How old is Dj, my little boy has a constant roar ready at the moment for anyone who wil listen lol, he is 22 months. It goes in too fast doesn't it. :(


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