Saturday, September 23, 2006

I died today.

DJ and I went to the park today after dinner. I got out the car left the driver side door open, left him in the back seat while I went to get the sand toys out the trunk.

Out the corner of my eye I see a green jacket proceed past me. (warning: run on sentence-take a deep breath and read) ----Before I could process what was going on, I SNATCHED the jacket by the hood which just happened to be connected to my son who decided he would jump out the car and proceed to run in front of the big "A" SUV coming down the parking lot. All I could do was just pick him up and hold him very tightly and I cried the sob.snot.broken hearted type of crying.uncontrollably.

Yes people I died today.

My son almost being ran over by a speeding truck has broken my heart into so many pieces and he wonders why he received extra extra hugs and kisses tonight. He thought it was because he helped me put all his bath toys up without asking him to do it after his bath. What a sweet boy.

*DJ's ok. He has a mark on his neck from where I yanked his jacket/hood so hard it made him fall on his butt. The scar will disappear but if I didn't catch him from running in the lot, ..........well, you know the rest.

I'm off to pray and thank God for always watching over babies and fools!---(By the way where did this phrase originate from? I heard it growing up but, never knew the origin)


Midori said...

OMG!!! That must have been a major heart-stopper! Looks like your Mummy instinct kicked in in time though and I am so happy he is ok.

Granny said...

I read your top post and didn't see this one below until now.

My God. I think it's happened to a lot of us. They move so quickly and they're not old enough to recognize danger.

Your instincts kicked in instantly and he's safe. Do not beat yourself up.

Anonymous said...

That was so scary. I'm glad he's OK. Kids that age move so fast! Your instincts are right on--you caught him. A little mark on his neck is nothing.

Give him a hug for me, too.

meljoy said...

awww! I know how you feel, Aaron has a habit of doing that. We live in a big city, so it's also bound to happen a lot, but I was reading that autistic kids do that. I have no idea why, and I haven't found any more information on it, but I know EXACTLY how you feel! I'm sorry :-( Poor you!

TJ said...

as is quoted on my favorite movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" there is a seperate God for children...I thank the Lord for your good reflexes!!

The Amazing Trips said...

Oh man ... I KNOW the fear. At first, I was thinking you were going to say a green jacket JUMPED in the car (as in some crazy stranger) and tried to take off. Those things that don't kill us, make us stronger. And wiser. Live and learn ... right?!

I'm so glad that he (and you) are safe. Things can happens SO damn fast.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your reaction time was on target and that DJ is okay. I would have cried too! take care

Shellie said...

Isn't God amazing how he watches out for our kids! Can you imagine if we had to do it all on our own? I can't tell you how many times I have sat back and realized how close of a call one of mine have had. I am so glad he is ok.


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