Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Our first born daughter, Danyelle Ahsia'--She's cool like that! Graduated from HighSchool, second year in college! You go girl!

Well, to be honest, I received a few emails that basically said although we love hearing about DJ and his wild adventures we'd like to hear more about Danyelle and what's she's up to lately.

Well, let me be the first to admit. I'm guilty as charged. BEFORE DJ was born, my daughter will tell you that I took a pic of her everyday! I'm not exaggerating, I'm dead serious. She began going away to summer programs for pre college studies since 8th grade so I can tell you that those were the only times that I MISSED a photo of this girl. I made sure she emailed me photos of her while she was gone. Here's one that clearly states that the chaperone's were not on their job this day:

I admit, the photo taking of miss Danyelle has all but ceased. Yikes! there, I said it, I admit that I have slacked big time. Well....without further ado (is that a word?)...

I would like to present to you:
Miss Danyelle--


Will someone please tell this girl that a nose ring is NOT cute. This is what she wants for her birthday. I honestly told her I cannot look at someone with facial piercings with a straight face. And I surely can't live with them. So she has a clip thingy which still grosses me out. Moving on.

I call her Miss Danyelle because she is a sweetie pie. Sometimes I pinch myself of how sweet she is. I get a tooth ache because she is just that sweet. Don't worry she didn't put me up to write any of this she did however make a comment like, you have 5 million photos of DJ and only 3 of me. You know subtle comments like that.

Soooooo here goes:

Danyelle was born Sept 20, 1987 to Darrin and Tanyetta a couple of teenage kids. Yes, I say we were kids because well...we were but....we made it through the storm.

She's in her second semester of college and she works full time. When I tell you that I NEVER see this child sometimes, it's true. Honestly I have to say, she is a big help around here. DJ and I trash the living room each and everyday but, without fail, miss Danyelle straightens it all up and washes the dishes without complaint. She also checks with me to see when I need mommy nights out/time off.

I think she secretly crosses her fingers hoping I won't need her to babysit her brother. Honestly, she's really good with him. I'm jealous because she gets him in the bath, bed and sleep at a reasonable hour when she babysits him. Oh she rubs it in and sends me text/photos of him sleeping soundly. Thanks! ;)

He LOOOOOOOOVES his sister. We went to target tonight and his face lights up when he sees his big sister!!! Danyelle, Danyelle, Danyelle! Yup, that's DJ calling his big sister all through the store!

She does however take time off from work to spend with the family. We feel so honored. That one day of the week means so much. Thanks Baby Girl... LOL


Anonymous said...

Wow, I am impressed with Danyelle, such a wonderful girl you have there :)

Atasha said...

Uhm, can I borrow her?

Drea said...

OH MY GOSH SHE GOT IN THE FRIDGE AT THE STORE!!! ive always wanted to do that lol

Schatzi said...

I LOVE that picture of her in the freezer!! OMG.. CLASSIC! And it fits her personality!

I loved reading about Danyelle!!

Leigh said...

Thanks for sharing some about your daughter. She sounds delightful, and like a good big sister.

Anonymous said...

What a great daughter you have. Thanks for letting us get to know her better and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!


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