Sunday, October 29, 2006

The cutest Fireman ever!

Ok, those of you who know me and know me well, are going to be very shocked to see that once again, I've given IN to yet another holiday. First Easter, Now this! Somebody help me!
Please no hate mail but, I cannot stand these holidays. I honestly want to "V" everytime they come around. But, when you have a toddler and all their friends are doing it, what are you supposed to do? Well, without further ado (is that a word?)

I'm here to present the cutest fireman ever:

Check out this kid.
Here he is waiting in line for the costume contest. Do you think he's a little excited?

He was on stage by himself (i was close by) for the contest and everything. He is such a big boy, did NOT need his momma at all up there!

The host says: Let's see your number.

My son turns around and shows the guy his number and are you ready???
DJ's number was 33 and he says: THREE THREE!

The crowd loved it!

Question: What costumes will your kids sport this halloween??? Are you dressing up? If so, what will you dress up as this year?


Atasha said...

Yes the smart a$$ here, and the word is adieu(sp?), I think. Anyway, you won't get hate mail from me because I feel the same way. This is my first, well sort of Halloween that I took part in. And you're right what is one to do when all the kids are taking part?
Dj is really good to keep that thing on I had a hell of a time getting Christopher to keep his stupid cloak on today. And even after I put it on it was all lop-sided because he wouldn't let me fix it. I'll post pictures later on tonight.

You have to admit though, don't you just love how cute he looks? It's worth the aggravation and the worst is we have to do it again on Tuesday. gone already. It was more stressful than Xmas at this house.

Anonymous said...

I have a soft spot for Halloween, and Becca chose to be a princess ... I am being a witch and the hubby is going as the default m&m as usual!

DJ look soooo adorable as a fireman!!

Monkey Man Miles said...

Ok this is Miles' first Halloween and for the record I love the holidays especially thru kidz! You should see Miles' Easter pix he was a bunny too cute. Hubby is a Philly Fire Fighter so of course I lub it!


meljoy said...

lol, i am NOT dressing up, but aaron's gonna be a dinosaur that he swears is a dragon, so he's going as a dragon :-)

Gabrielle said...

I have a love hate relationship with the holidays. On the one hand there is the stress of finding a costume/present/egg and deal with preparations/expectations/family. On the other hand when Joey's eyes lit up when he saw a pumpkin patch for the first time, all the hassle was forgotten. He's going to be a cowboy (without the guns). He looks so cute I think I'll dress him up even when it's not Halloween.

The Amazing Trips said...

I LOVE IT!!! He is so adorable!

Halloween is one of our favorite holidays. The candy, the decorations, the pumpkin seeds. It's all good.

I can't give away our costumes. It'll be a grand surprise on Tuesday. :)

Anonymous said...

Drew is a Ninja, Nick is Sir Peter from Narnia, and I--by the decree of my children--am a fairy princess.

DJ looks adorable.

Anonymous said...

He is the cutest Fireman! Looks like he had the greatest time. Drew is Flash and Donovan is Superman. They have already worn their costumes twice. We will do it again tomorrow. Our costumes get a lot of use (even after Halloween) around here.

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWW . . . he's sooooo cute in his little costume. I, myself don't have any halloween plans. I'll probably pass out candy to the neighborhood kids. . .but that's about it.

Stephanie said...

Cute stuff ;)

Z is Supergirl & H is Superman.

Anonymous said...

We have a tinkerbell fairy at this house, but she doesn't wanna keep the costume on. Handing out candy to the kids in the neighborhood that should be fun answering the door 30 times or so. Halloween just ain't the same when you grow up.

Stephanie said...

This was Mark's first Halloween, and he loved it. Every kid loves the dressing up and trick or treating.

Leigh said...

Cute kid and costume! That looks like the little firetruck from Cars.

Cody dressed as Spiderman. I "dressed" as a baseball player. Unfortunately I wasn't familiar with the team I was representing, as men kept asking me questions about them.

Anonymous said...

Well this year for the first time in years I dressed up as Foxy Brown aka Pam Grier. Everyone at my job loved and said it brought back memories. Kenny dressed up as the Grim Reaper and was scaring all the home owners


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