Saturday, October 28, 2006

Dinner Date with a really cute guy!

We made a quick stop at the market. He would NOT part with the Balloon!!! ----The bagger asked if she could give him a balloon. Ummm is that a trick question? What kid would NOT want a balloon??

Smart mommy! I've finally figured out that you're supposed to get crayons and coloring pages to keep your kid occupied while you wait for the food!

Yummm! FREE kids plate. My son CLEARED his plate. He wouldn't eat the 'leaf decoration' on the plate. Can you blame him??? LOL


K. said...

I have tried the caryon trick already with my boy but he doesn't yet have the coordination (or desire!) to do anything with the crayons.

Anonymous said...

Nick wouldn't want a balloon. Drew, yes. But Nick won't go near them. He's afraid they're going to lift him to the sky.

*Tanyetta* said...

hey ladies!!!!!!

so glad you enjoyed this post.

alissa. i'm sorry about nick. i didn't mean any harm when i said what kid would want a balloon. :(

Geez=---me and my big mouth. LOL

Granny said...

My son told me once how much money is spent by restaurants on parsley which is left on the plate. I can't remember but it was a lot.

Atasha said...

ha, well you know I have to get technical with you on this. I believe they have to ask you if they could give them the balloon because many kids including my own bite it and it's a danger to the kids when it burst in their face you. Ok you didn't even ask me

Me and my smart ass.

BTW, did you save the leaf for alyssa, she eats anything

Anonymous said...

awwww what a sweet, cute dinner date! Looks like fun!

I take crayons with me now!

meljoy said...

super cute! did he go trick or treating?


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