Sunday, October 1, 2006

Happy Birthday Daniel (my baby brother)

On October 1, 1982, My baby brother, Daniel Stephen was born.

It's hard to believe I used to change his diaper when he was a baby---
now look at him!

A grown man with a good job, his own apartment and living the good life!

He is the sweetest brother in the world. Very gently spirit and soooooo laid back. I miss him a great deal.

I love you Daniel. You'll always be my baby brother even though you're 6 feet tall.
I love you! Kiss!

*(It's unfortunate that I only get to see him once a year. He lives in New Jersey.)


meljoy said...

awww, Does it get better as you get older? I see my bro at least three times a week. He picks up Aaron from school some days as well, just thinking about not seeing him, or A not seeing him, breaks my heart. Course, I never changed his diapers ;-)

Anonymous said...

New Jersey? How did you guys end up so far apart? Because you're husband is military?

He sounds like a great brother. My baby brothers are great, too.

*Tanyetta* said...


Granny said...

Tanyette, that's a Jack in the Box and you should be able to find them almost anywhere.

It's a windup, right? I had one as a kid, my kids did and their kids and now the girls.

Most of them I've seen play Pop Goes the Weasel.

Try googling but I bet Toys R Us or any large store that sells toys would have them.

Midori said...

My baby brother is 6ft5 so I know how you feel and I only get to see mine once a year at the moment as well but when he moves to Australia next year with his fiancee, it will probably be even less than that!

Atasha said...

I can't remember the last time I saw my brother. I miss him so much but don't let him know that! We talk on the phone though whenever he flies to NY or Toronto or my niece wants to say hi to auntie Tasha.

Crystal said...

Aww, I know you must really miss him - I would miss my brother and sisters immensely if we lived so far apart. Hope he had a great birthday.


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