Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm losing the battle and the war~

Look at that face! Isn't he the cutest kid in the world? I'm his momma what else would I say?
He looks so sweet and innocent doesn't he? Well..............

It's hard to believe this is the same cute and sweet looking kid who throws toys, pushes and hits his friends or random kids for that matter, goes on eating strikes, says NO to everything, gets attitudes for just about any and everything, expects you to read him every book on his shelf before bedtime, won't drink milk even if you disguise it with choc, straw, honey, whiskey, this is the same kid who dropped his toy in church school and very clearly stated: Oh Sh*t! Yes, the horror of it all happened and I wanted to disappear at that very moment. Oh I got the dirty looks, oh well, i'm not a perfect mom, i applied for a membership, it was revoked of course!

Then he'll do something unexpected by coming up and giving me the biggest hug and kiss and says Ahh, Love you so much! Now you tell me, who's winning this war! It surely isn't me! *sigh* 4 more months. I can make it! That's what I keep telling myself.


Granny said...

Of course you will.

Gee, when my girls say that, I wonder where they could have heard it. (lol).

When I was working, I had an especially busy morning and the phone kept ringing. On the 10th call or so, I said "Oh s**t" loudly not knowing my boss was right behind me. After I finished the call, he raised an eyebrow. I said "aren't you glad I got it out of my system before I picked up the phone?".

End of conversation, such as it was. He was too busy laughing.

Anonymous said...

Ha! to the church incident.

But wait it gets better when he is about Christopher's age. you will wish for the stage to pass which is what I do. NO is still his favorite word. I know about the books thing and I don't know any secret to tell you to get him satisfied with just 2 or 3 books.

Sometimes I have to read 8 or 10 but I just keep telling myself that I better enjoy this time. Not only are we helping them learn but one day they won't want us near them farless reading a book to them. I enjoy it because he cuddles with me when I read.

I say "stupid" a lot. That takes the place of nastier words that I really don't want him repeating but now he says it and uses it in the right context too and here I am telling him not to say that word.

Ahhh...what are we going to so with these kids. Hang in there.

chelle said...

Ahh to have a toddler. It really is a good thing that they come so cute, because otherwise I do not think they would survive to the teenagers!

Hang in there!

Leigh said...

Ha, ha, ha. He said that in church?? This is great picture of him too, he is so happy!

HOpe you and the family had a nice holiday!

angie said...

Your son is soo cute!


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