Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Reasons Why..

I have tons of reasons why I don't go to professional photo studios often.
Here's just ONE of the reasons!

Everything started off great. A nice cheesy smile. Cute!

Please tell me he is NOT going to do what I think he's going to do!

What am I going to do with this boy?

Somebody help me!

Please tell me I'm not the only one!


Anonymous said...


It's still cute... ;-)

TJ said...

oh boy...he is getting to the silly boy faze!!
I have so many pictures of my son and then my grandson...boys go through this faze of silliness when it comes to picture taking...must be in their DNA!!

Stephanie said...


We just had our Christmas pics taken on Saturday. The only reason Mark didn't give his classic cheesy grin with the eyes closed and all teeth bare, is because he was laughing too hard.

We had a very good photographer.

Even Abby, my little diva, was smiling.

Anonymous said...

DJ is the best dressed 2 year old I know! So freakin cute :) Even with the nose digging action he still looks like he could be in a boy band

Drea said...

The photos arent showing :-(

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! THAT is hilarious!! (and also why I won`t be setting foot in a studio any time soon!!)

chelsea said...

That is too funny! My son (prompted by his sister) thought it would be funny to have one picture of him picking his nose, the next with his finger in his nose. File it away for payback when he starts dating.

chelsea said...

Oops, the second shot was him with the finger in his mouth!

Gabrielle said...

Thanks! I really needed a laugh today.


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