Thursday, December 7, 2006

It's PARTY Potty Time!

He's so proud of himself!!--

He has decided this is the way he wants to go potty. It's the way his Daddy taught him since 5 months.

NOOOOOOOOO we didn't do EC (elimination communication)----but, his daddy always takes him to the bathroom with him!! *when he's not in iraq of course*

So needless to say that little plastic potty in the corner of my bathroom is now the catchall for dust.
My baby boy is growing up.


Does anyone know how to post videos as password protected?
Is anyone else toilet training their toddlers? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Anonymous said...

w00t DJ!!!! That is so awesome that he hops right up there!

TJ said...

I taught my son to potty the exact same way!!
Tell DJ I think he is tops!!
and you are a great Momma too!!

Atasha said...

OMG that is just how Christopher started. It went in stages. From that he turned and faced forward, then after seeing daddy stand up he wanted to stand up too. It's funny though that sometimes he stands and raises one leg like a dog. What can I say boys.

Oh and your son will not be very pleased when he is older to find out that mom took a video of him on the toilet. Ha!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! I am very impressed!! I am slowly working towards potty training but we are getting nowhere fast. That said, J has started trying to go to the toilet but once I get him there and he is sat down, all he wants to do is take toilet paper off the roll!!

*Tanyetta* said...

Darrin taught him to tear off the t.paper and wipe his pp, i am a bit grossed out off that part but, oh well! LOL

meljoy said...

omg, i wish! we are training, but he just holds it ALL DAY until he gets his diaper on before bed, so it's not going so hot. No suggestions, but I wish I had some!


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