Tuesday, December 12, 2006

LUCKY DAY and decisions to make.

Once a month, I get to dress up, sit around other christian women, eat brunch, listen to entertainment, and just relax! The women there are soooooooooo nice! They always pay for the military spouse tickets and treat us EXTRA SPECIAL!!!--Anyway, DJ goes to the daycare at the church too and lemme tell you, it's the best TWO hours of all the moms there. We feel so free or at least I do. I don't even worry how he's doing because I KNOW he's having a great time and the ladies in the daycare are taking extra special care of him too!

This past event was extra special, I won a door prize then my name was called again and it was a bouquet of flowers!!-----Then my name was called again to win another DOOR prize!! Woo hoo! It crossed my mind to go and buy a lottery ticket after the event but, i forgot!!! ---who knows maybe I could've been sending this post from the Cayman or Jamaican Islands right now. Oh well, I'll just enjoy my bag of goodies and my flowers.

No wisecracks on my $40 glasses from JcPenney clearance section! I'm looking into lasik surgery as we speak. LOL....

Which brings me to my next question, has anyone or anyone you know ever had lasik surgery?

What's your feedback? Yes, No, Regrets, Best decision ever? Please respond. Thanks.


Granny said...

Glad you could have some fun. Next time buy the ticket. Someone has to win sometime, right?

I know a couple of people who have had the surgery and were pleased but a couple is not enough to base a decision on.

Anonymous said...

My DH had lasik surgery a little over 5 years ago, and says it was the best thing he ever did. A good friend had to go to 14 different doctors before he found one that would do it for him because his eyesight was THAT bad, and he says it was the best thing he ever did. My FIL had the surgery and still wears reading glasses.

Anonymous said...

I read it can affect your night vision in a negative way. I read this a few years back, because police officers interested in the surgery were advised not to. But who knows what advances can be made in a few years right? Google it you might find what I read.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tanyetta, Im Kim's daughter Teah. My husband had Lasik two years ago and LOVES it!! I am happy that we don't have to spend money on glasses, more shoes for me! He went to Global Laser Vision in San Diego. I say do it.

Atasha said...

Okay I probably should shut my mouth but I have good and bad news on the lasik. My father in law had it and no problems. However, one of my ex boyfriends had it, one eye was perfect but the other eye still gives him trouble to this day. We're still friends. When we were dating I had to go over to his house to help him out. Then he had to go back for a second surgery. It was awful.

I don't know if it mattered but his lasik was done by the military people. I always joked and told him maybe they were training when they perfomed his. Hehehe..so there you have it!

Anyway, sound like you had a SUPER time. And yes you should have bought a lottery ticket. Shame on you

Atasha said...

Oh by the way before I even read your post I saw the picture and noticed the glasses and I love, love them. So don't think anyone would laugh or tease you.

Andie D. said...

I'm with Atasha - LOVE the glasses! We get our glasses through Lens Express if we use Mick's insurance. I hate their glasses. I'm much rather spend $40 on cute glasses from JC Penney anydamnday!

*Tanyetta* said...

LOL!!!! thanks ladies. and yes, the glasses were on clearance and i get compliments on them then when i say how much they cost, then i do feel like i have a great deal. i am dying to get rid of glasses/ contact though. enough is enough. i'm such a chicken though :)

The Amazing Trips said...

Lasik ... best $3K I EVER spent.

No kidding. I went in to have the procedure done a few months before I became pregnant with our triplets. I went from 20/800 vision to 20/20 in about 24 hours. I have absolutely NO regrets. No more glasses ... no more contacts ... no more saline solution ... no more having to wake up and not be able to see the clock ... no more walking in to walls on my way to the bathroom at 3 AM. I have had no problems, no complications, etc. In fact, I recommend it to everyone I meet who is wearing glasses or contacts!

BEST MONEY EVER SPENT. Plus, we deducted it from our taxes (flex spending).

I hope your hubby is doing well. We pray for him everynight. :)

Anonymous said...

did you get the lasik's. it's great! -future ophthalmologist


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