Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Thank you one and all for the presents. If only I had an additional 1000 sq. ft in my house to store all this. But, we'll worry about this at another time. Right now, DJ is in his element. Happy Holidays!!!!


TJ said...

Merry Christmas, Little Man!!

Atasha said...

Merry Christmas you guys. I wish I had a solution to the space issue but we're going through it here also. I don;t know what these in-laws were thinking. The world is not coming to an end as far as I know.

Anonymous said...

We have the same space problem. It's amazing how much stuff 3 little people can acquire.

Granny said...

Very belated Christmas greetings and an early Happy New Year!!

I'm way behind - again.

Anonymous said...

Donate what he doesn't need or play with to charity. Look for a homeless shelter where children are calling it home. You don't want to have a spoiled son like my nephews who demand and get all the playstations, nintendos, name brand clothes etc.


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