Wednesday, December 6, 2006

This is what happens

This is what happens.......

When you decide to let your toddler have full reign of the house!

They will try and pull down EVERY book on the shelf and proceed to 'read' them.

Funny how they find other things to do when it's time to clean up though. *sigh*

Question: Do you clean as you go or let the kids wreck the house and clean once everyone's off to bed? I need some feedback people. I am losing!!!!!!!


Stephanie said...

Would you shovel the driveway while it's still snowing? If so, clean as you go. If not, straighten up after the storm is passed ;)

Trisha said...

I say better the books than the china. It depends on the day whether I clean as I go or just let it all accumulate. Whichever, I always get Bailey to help. Actually, recently he has started to put one thing away before he gets another.

Granny said...

He's big enough to stack them. It could even be a game.

I clean the kitchen as I go - always and I wash clothes almost daily.

Everything else? Clutter doesn't worry me a lot and I'm capable of leaving things on the floor for the girls to pick up when they come home.

They lose something because they didn't put it away? Their problem, not mine (usually - sometimes I'm a softie).

Of course they're much older but I started with them when they were quite young.

Anonymous said...

I clean up as we go and the boys have to help with the process. They both love the clean up song so hearing that seems to inspire them to jump to it.

chelsea said...

Ha! That's the only time I can clean in my house is when everyone is asleep.

AnnaLiza said...

i wish i knew the answer. but does anyone of your acquaintances (that live here in the tem/murriet area) know a maid that can come clean my house biweekly? i was raised with a housekeeper/nanny. so i'm embarassed, but honest enough to say, i don't know how to keep clean so i need help.

plus i'm working daily and my home is back on the market... oh and did i mention its the holidays?


meljoy said...

wow, if i cleaned as I went along, I'd be doing nothing but cleaning! I def wait til he's in bed, unless vaccuming needs to be done, then I do it while he's awake, then do all the organizing when he's asleep.


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