Saturday, December 2, 2006

Tips to share

Ok, if you have a picky eater, listen up. I've found the way to get your kids to eat.

Sit around the table and share your picky eater stories with other moms who are going through the same thing you're going through.

Then you know what will happen? Your kid will eat TWO slices of pizza and an entire capri sun and will proceed to eat the food off your plate as well. The other moms will give you the look as if to say, "picky eater? yeah right, show off"

---I'm telling you, those who knows my son, knows that he will avoid food at all costs!
That's why he's still 25 pounds and wearing a size 4 diaper! I've tried everything! The kid will pick and choose very carefully what he will or won't eat! I give up!! I'm lost on what to feed this kid??? Geez!

I'm losing people. I'm losing.

p.s. what are your kids favorite meals to eat?


Monkey Man Miles said...

FOOD glorious FOOD!
Miles weigh as much and wera the same size diaper!

AJV said...

I am in the same boat. Mikey is 2 1/2 and is 27 lbs nad in a size 4 diaper. Who knew at 24 months he would actually be wearing size 24m pants! Mikey survives on bites of pasta, bananas and apples. I have tried everything.Nothing works. If I hear "He'll eat when he is hungry" one more time I will smack someone.

Anonymous said...

Mine always eat well when I'm complaining about their eating habits, too. :-)

They like pizza, chicken strips, fish sticks, cheetos, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Anything else is a battle. I compromise by offering those foods 2-3 times a week for supper and making them eat real meals the other 4-5 days, no matter how much they whine.

Anonymous said...

Becca goes through phases where she will eat a lot then not at all. Don't worry he will get what he needs to be that ball of energy!

Granny said...

The girls weren't fussy at all when they were little but lately that's changed.

Now I just tell them this isn't Burger King (or I'm not running a cafeteria).

Andie D. said...

That HAT!!!! I love it!

Each of my kids went through a picky stage or two. My 17 month old is going through one. But she must be getting something because she's in a size SIX diaper, and ways about 30 lbs.

Anonymous said...

Gavin is not really a picky eater, even though he has certain things he does not like, he will basically eat most of what you put before him. Oddly enough he does not like cheese unless it is on pizza, he will not eat mac and cheese or mashed pototoes, I've always heard those are toddler staples.
My suggestion find what he likes and stick to it. Only meat Gavin really likes is chicken or hotdogs. So chicken and hotdogs it is.... all the time. Ok maybe he is a picky eater. Oh he likes turkey. But now days he always asks for dog dog and bean beans (hot dogs and green beans weird combo but two of his favorite foods.


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