Tuesday, January 9, 2007

First Day at the Dentist!!


Hello People!

DJ here!

Today was a great day!--As you can see, my first day at the dentist was so much fun. (my mom writes this blog) of course she would say it was fun, she wasn't the one with latex gloved people digging in her mouth and being 'tricked' into biting on plastic squares for x-rays and more!

They trick you into thinking it's a really fun place. There's wall to wall tv's and video game monitors, a toy station with puzzles, and all the games you can think of.

The dentist office makes sure you won't get up out of your chair by putting these x-ray blankets that weigh over 5 million pounds (i'm not exaggerating)--i tried to escape!

Well, after what seemed like 10 gazillion years, the fun finally began! Stickers, Toothbrush, Balloons and a pencil all for being such a good boy and for having NO cavities.

I asked for a lollipop but, my mom gave me a weird look as if to say now was not the time to ask for candy.

After the dentist, I saw my buddy Gavin and then I had lunch and fed the ducks. We went a bunch of other places but, I slept through it all and only remember getting snipped on the finger by one of the ducks. After that it was all a blur! My mom grabbed me up so quick and the next thing I know, we were out the park and in the car!

Enjoy the pics! Oh and for those toddlers out there who haven't gone to the dentist yet, Please!!! brush your teeth, there was a 3 year old there with 4 cavities! Brush, Floss, Gag, do what you have to do, trust me you don't want to end up like that kid, he didn't get a balloon or anything. Poor guy, you would think they would've had some sympathy on him. It's not his fault! He can have my mom she is obsessive with brushing teeth!

Well, have a great day!--Enjoy the pics!


Atasha said...

I can't believe you walked with your camera at the dentist's office. HAhahaha!

Anonymous said...

hehe I have yet to take Becs ... in Canada they say 3 years so we have been waiting ... maybe we should go...

Anonymous said...

I never thought to bring my camera to the dentist. We've went twice already. It would've made for some cute screaming pictures. Definitely not their favorite place. Glad you had fun, DJ.

*Tanyetta* said...

You know I take my camera EVERYWHERE :)

meljoy said...

wow, what a dentists office... haha and I agree, I think i woudlhave felt wierd bringing my camera into the dentists office, but who knows, I bring my camera everywhere too :-)

Granny said...

Our dentist has sugarfree lollipops and stickers. And he's cute. The girls all have a crush on him.


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