Monday, January 8, 2007


DJ absolutely adores his big sister. When he hears the garage door opens, he runs to the door and yells Danyelle, Danyelle, Danyelle! What a great feeling to know that someone loves you this much wouldn't you agree??

Funny to see these two together. I find myself thinking of when Danyelle was DJ's age, there was a HUGE difference. For one, you could tell her to stay in one spot and she would. Tell her to stop and she would stop!

Now with Mr. DJ----Stop is the new GO for him and he makes sure to jump off every wall in the house. Ahhhh the joy of raising boys. I am enjoying motherhood the second time around but, I can honestly say, the second time around is a TRIP!!!!!!

Aren't these the cutest kids in the world? OF course you're going to say yes, honestly what else would you say! LOL

NO seriously, I am so thankful to have two beautiful children especially at two very different stages. Even though she's 19, she's still my baby and despite the fact that I am always in her 'business', she will appreciate it all one day when she becomes a mom I'm sure :)


Atasha said...

I hope you have already ordered a large copy of that first photo to frame and put up on your wall. It's really beautiful.

Yes these boys are something else. Alyssa listens for the most part. I can tell her NO and she stops what she is doing. Not so with Christopher. This morning he was and still playing with a ball in the house and I've been telling him to stop it for the past 20 minutes hoping he would listen eventually. I am going to take it away now.

Anonymous said...

My daughter listened waaaay better than the boys do. I wonder why that is. One of my boys will argue with me now and the other one just laughs at me.


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