Friday, January 26, 2007

Question and Answer session

I received the following question and thought many of my faithful readers would be willing to help me out with providing some advice as well.

Anonymous said...
I was wondering where you buy your sons clothes. My 3 year old will be starting pre-school soon & I noticed all the kids are well into name brands even at the age of 3. Any suggestions where you get name brand clothes for a cheaper price?

Any thoughts? Any suggestions?
Please leave a comment! Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I buy most everything for my boys at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, or JCPenney, if I buy it new. They rarely wear anything long enough for me to justify spending big bucks on it! The exception is blue jeans, I always buy Wrangler or Levi's, simply because they're the only brands my rough-and-tumble boys don't tear the knees out of immediately. I also have found great bargains on E-bay.

Leigh said...

For us, it's the grandparents. Both of them like to shop, so they buy Cody clothes. I like consignment shops, but as the kids get older, the clothes start to look a little more worn. Sometimes I buy stuff from the folks I work with, most times its nice namebrand stuff.

Stephanie said...

Kids are not into name brands. Parents are.

That said, I get all our stuff at Old Navy or Target, occasionally at Gymboree when they're having their Gymbucks promotions. Old Navy sales are the best and the fit of their clothes makes them wear for a long period of time.

*Tanyetta* said...

Eden said...
Kids are not into name brands. Parents are.


great point eden :)

Anonymous said...

I 2nd what Eden said!

My children are now a bit older, but when they were younger, I would buy brand name clothes in bigger sizes when I would find them on sale. Hit the clearance racks and buy the next size up (or two) if you find something you like. TJMaxx also has really cute things for cheap(er) prices, just be careful of the defects.

Atasha said...

Well I will copy and paste what I wrote on the post where the reader posted the question but you ladies are absolutely right. At that age what do the kids know about brand name clothing? Nothing. But if the parent like and wants to get the brand name clothes here it is:

Anonymous, needs to go to Nordstrom Rack. Much more organized and very clean.

You could get lucky at Ross and Marchalls but only if you are patient enough to search through those extremely disorganized racks!

I buy clothes that are on sale period. Some do happen to be brand name but I never go overboard and it is me who likes the clothing since the kids aren't of age to be demanding/requesting this and that brand. Although it's different when it comes to pajamas. The boy is so into to that now.

Good luck ANonymous.

Anonymous said...

We shop at Target and Old Navy a lot. Gap and Osh Kosh outlets are great. We look for sales and buy a size large always to make the clothes last a little longer.

Granny said...

The girls understand that no matter how much they like the name brands, they're paying for the label, not the clothing.

I do agree with Alissa on jeans and quality but I'm more apt to scour the second hand stores hunting Levis or Wranglers. I have good luck - kids outgrow them before they wear out the knees (which even little girls do Alissa).

Anonymous said...

Alright thanks from me, 'anonymous'.
-Jessica living in Ft.Carson, CO.
Hooah :-)

Anonymous said...

So true, kids are not into namebrands at all. My son could care less. I shop at Target, Marshall's Old Navy is a must. I only buy things onsale at the Gap Kids. Oh and also get a lot of stuff off of Ebay. Lots of namebrands at low prices. if you are into that


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