Thursday, February 15, 2007

One more month to go!

Cannot wait to see the expression on his face when his daddy walks through the front door!


Anonymous said...

Hi there! Thanks for the comment. :)
Yes, two-year olds are great! Yours is truly adorable. I should show my daughter the pics of him having fun brushing his teeth- maybe something would rub off on her!
Hope you have a great day - Deirdre

Anonymous said...

awwww what a sweetie pie! I cannot believe it is almost time for Darren to come home!! You must all be getting so excited!

angie said...

He is sooo adorable! So cute! His little smile- I love it! Thanks for the comments the other day and sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. I am flattered that you want to vote for my video!! Thanks!! Here's the link!

Anonymous said...

That's so great! He's going to be so excited to hug his daddy.

Monkey Man Miles said...

Hey, It has been a minute since we chatted. We just moved and I got myself together enuf to slowly start to catch up w/everyone. I can't stand how cute DJ is, My son like to brush his teeth ok may be just chew on the toothbrush. Gota start somewhere right. Take care.


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