Friday, February 2, 2007

Happy Friday!!

What are your plans this weekend? Any Superbowl parties? Anything fun planned?

Well, as you can see from the photo, I'm planning on attending a MomTini Playdate tonight. It's where a bunch of my moms friends will get together have a few martini's (or non alcoholic) drinks, play board games, let the kids run and rip through the house while us moms get 'toasted', laugh, gossip, and just have some fun, fun, fun!

I cannot wait, let's just hope my son doesn't run around hugging and kissing all the little girls! gotta keep an eye on this kid!

Hope you have a great weekend! Go Jets! Oops, nevermind!!

Question for stay at home moms--How do you celebrate the weekends? OR is it just another day to you?


Jenn said...

I thought I was one of your mom friends. Soooo sad!

*Tanyetta* said...

OMG!!! You are one of my mom friends Jenn! LOL

Atasha said...

Ha go jets! Puhleeze! I would say go Raiders but they suck worse. Every year the poor husband keeps saying next we'll do better. I'm still waiting. Yeh, just the family watching Superbowl on Sunday. I can't wait. It should be a really good game. We'll probably BBQ in the back.

Weekends are my favourite times since I am guaranteed atleast Sunday with the husband. That's the only day they don't work. How sad.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend also!


Anonymous said...

Ooo that sounds like so much fun!!

Weekends ... we have PJ mornings some times and watch cartoons together. Then I try to plan something fun to do as a family. If J has to work, Becca and I take it easy since we are so busy during the week...Oh we will be going to Disneyland on the 20th ...

Midori said...

I work part-time so it is slightly different but weekends just blend into the week these days, the only difference is that there are more hours available for my husband to get on my nerves!!! ;-)

Midori said...

PS- forgot to say- have a great weekend!

Granny said...

Go Niners!! Yeah, right.

This weekend? Full of excitement. I finally am almost finished putting away laundry, sorting socks, and rearranging the drawers and closets for the girls one more time.

Rebecca worked as hard as I did, Ray pitched in, Elcie stayed out of the way, and Rochelle gets to do the living room later.

Tomorrow? The Super Bowl. Sort of going for the Colts but I don't really have a dog in the fight.

You have a great one.


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