Friday, February 23, 2007

How do you do it?

Most commonly asked question I'm asked.

How do I do it?

My husband is in Iraq
I am raising a 2 year old toddler
I have a 19 year old daughter who pretty much wishes I would stay the hell out of her business and stop bugging her to get rid of her nose ring
I am a stay at home mom (I'm NEVER home though) always on the go. Seems like there's always a park day, playdate, errands to run, bills to pay, places to go, things to do.
My daughter is a huge huge huge help. She takes him to the duck pond, chuck e. cheese (that place is evil), she feeds him and basically takes over when I've had one of those, OMG I"m going to lose it days!!!!! Even though I get on her nerves too, she wouldn't trade me for anything.

I had a really interesting conversation with a complete stranger yesterday at Disneyland. Oh come on am I the only one that chat with strangers? We talked about raising kids (she has a 26, 24, 20 and a 4 year old) See, i'm not the oNLY crazy person in this world who waits until our kids are ready for social security to start on more kids. Haha....Anyways, after further conversation, we go on to talk about the roughest part about being a mom, she said for her it was the approval of her mom that she never got. WOW. I'm so the opposite, I wanted the approval of my kids. Ummm newsflash, you'll never get it. Not until they're older. At this age, it's all about the now, I want it now, give it to me now, it's mine, and on and on.

Ok back to the original reason for my post.

I mentioned that I used to get really annoyed when people would say: If you need anything, call me OR How do you do it? Your husband's gone, you're doing it all by yourself? I would freak out. Honestly people if you had to do it, you would do it. You'd find a way. Hey, I pray everyday, I'm sure GOD just says, yeah, I know, it's you again, I"m here dont' worry! I just pray that I can keep everyone alive until Dad gets home. Very simple and true.

Well, now I had to think long and hard about that. How I do what I do????
What about single moms? What about widows? What about the moms who are dealing with the guys who seemed so nice in the beginning then decided to jump ship once the stick turned positive???.....well, you see where I'm going with this one?

I guess what keeps me going is knowing that he won't be gone FOREVER.
I know that once he gets home, I won't have to worry about anything. He is the coolest husband, my best friend, and most of all, he puts up with me. Hey, that's a lot. :)

Yes, he cooks, cleans and takes care of the kids and most of all he's soooo calm. I'm the crazy one. I Freak out over everything, I mean everything! You know, like who left a little bit of juice in the carton and didn't write down that we needed more? Please don't walk on my newly vacuumed floor, I need to see the lines before I go to bed. Why are there still fingerprints on the mirror when I just windexed them? What? that doesn't bug you? Ok, I have issues I suppose.

Well, I'm going to end this. I had so much to say, not going to proof this either. I'll just press publish and take a deep breath.

Oh wait, my son has just brought me a diaper and asked me to change him. I guess it's time to potty train him OR should I wait until Daddy gets home?


Anonymous said...

The answer to "how do you do it?" is "I just do. I have to". That's what I always tell everyone, anyway.

Potty train him now, and he'll be so excited to show his daddy when he gets home. Great incentive for him--might make it easier... :-)

Anonymous said...

I can say just by reading your blog & seeing your pictures, you look like you're doing an amazing job raising your son & daughter. Especially if your daughter takes your son to chuckey cheeze. Most 19 year olds wouldn't have that. So you definately have done a good job raising your kids. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Anonymous said...

I just found this blog randomly, and while my husband isn't in Iraq, I am a mommy again a "second time around." I have a 17 year old daughter and a 4 year old son!

I will be back to read more!

Granny said...

I hear "how do you do it" too. I can never come up with a good answer.

I know you're counting down the days. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

chelle said...

I think people are in awe whenever mothers are anything but ordinary!

I am in awe of you. What you do everyday with your husband gone ... I would be so sad, but your right, if I had to I would get by.

I agree with Alissa, potty train now! Use the "you can show your Daddy when he gets home" as motivation if need be, but he would be so proud! It is tough at first then way easier than changing all the time!

meljoy said...

lol, you do what you have to to survive... I get that question too, but I just smile and nod... I dunno how I do it, I dont analyze, I jst live :-)

Anonymous said...

You know what, I hate that question too. And you bring up an EXCELLENT point -- do people go around saying that all the time to single moms or widows?? Undoubtedly they have it even harder than we do. No matter what your situation is, you just do what you gotta do.

ps - leave your daughter alone about that nose ring!!! ;)

angie said...

Wait until Daddy comes home!!! (for the potty training- that's my vote!)
I hear "how do you do it" or "you have your hands full" too. It does get a little annoying because you just wake up and do your day! I chose to be a mom and have 6 kids and we plan to adopt atleast 1 more...bring it on!!!!!

Zephra said...

I get the how do you do it all the time with me having 4 kids. I just tell people I keep them all locked up in cages at home so it is really not a problem. That usually shuts em up!

Special K ~Toni said...

Hi! Found you at 5m4m- I totally understand! AF hubby, home for now, 4 and 13 year old boys- you just do it! Have to! We muddle through and try to have as many good days as possible!

Wait on the potty training- that's my opinion! I will be lurking and plundering through your archives, if that's alright!

Anonymous said...

My sister-in-law's oldest kids were 25 and 20 when she had her youngest.

I have those same "issues" as you. I love vacuum marks. said...

It sounds like you have a strong sense of spirit so that must help you get through the days. Sounds like you are doing it up!

EmilyJane said...

Great post. Great mom! Keep doin what you're doin, cause you seem to be doin it all right! And yes, conversations with strangers are sometimes the most interesting b/c you get all the gritty details that they won't tell their friends. =) God bless & keep on praying--God's always there, as you said!

Unknown said...

So nice to meet you! Found your blog through the Blog Party and I look forward to reading more.

People ask me the "how do you do it" question too. I think just like do what you have to do. What other choice is there. My husband travels a bunch so I'm feeling you on the doing it by yourself tip.

See ya soon!


Anonymous said...

You're a strong mama! Yes, we must quit whining and JUST DO IT.


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