Thursday, March 1, 2007


CREH-BOOLES! CREH-BOOLES! Yes, this is the new fascination in our house.

DJ and I went to the mall the other day and met this really nice woman. She was so nice, She greeted us and began to tell us about her product. She was promoting Child Safety and this coloring book set was a gift for signing up.

She bent down to say hi to DJ--and as usual, the first thing my son does is goes up and hugs her. Yes, my son FAILED tremendously when it came to the 'stranger' rule.

We didn't sign up for the safety kit but, on our way out, she ran over and gave DJ the book and said he was sooo cute. Yes, I'm sure in her mind she thought, here, take this, your mom has a lot to teach you about safety and strangers.

Question: When did you begin the 'stranger' talk with your toddlers?


Special K ~Toni said...

I am so paranoid about 'stranger dangers' that I start when they are babies! When ever someone would come up to the boys in the grocery cart or something, I would tell the boys, right in front of the person, we don't talk to to strangers. I don't really worry about offending anyone, because their safety out weighs whether or not they are offended. It just something we talk about pretty regularly! Wish I had more info for you!

Anonymous said...

We started talking about it around 3 years old, but honestly its never been an issue since both hate strangers with an intense passion. Its hard enough to even get them to speak to family let alone say anything to a stranger lol. So cute that he's liking the incredibles, he's really growing up :)

Anonymous said...

"She bent down to say hi to DJ--and as usual, the first thing my son does is goes up and hugs her. Yes, my son FAILED tremendously when it came to the 'stranger' rule."

ROFL! I needed that laugh today!

Stopping by from the blog party!

Lissete said...

Visiting for the party! Nice to meet you! DJ is too cute, I'm sure he gets free stuff all the time!

I started telling my oldest dd about strangers when she got in the habit ( at about 1) of jumping on all men w/ a mustache (like her dad) yelling "Daddy"!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL at Lissette. That was tooooooo funny. My neighbor across the street has a bald head and DJ yells, DADDY? DADDY? Ummm yes, it truly makes for a good story but, NO DJ that's not your daddy. *sigh*

Jen said...

Awww, He's just full of love! There's nothing wrong with a friendly baby. It's sweet!

Kat said...

I agree with yolanda, 3 is when they start to get more of what you are saying.

Granny said...

Offer the book to the parent and let the parent decide.

We chat with people in line all the time but at the same time they know that while the vast majority of people are good, not all are.

It's a balancing act between paranoia and reasonable precaution.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. But one time I was shopping with my 2 year old, and this new mother had her child in the infant car seat on the grocery cart. I was looking at bananas, and she bolted to her cart and protectively moved away from me and my lil one. I said "don't worry, I already have kids of my own!" and laughed, and I had on a US airforce PT clothes on, so I'd say some parents out there are Very protective, but its all up to you.


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