Thursday, April 26, 2007

He's Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been almost a month and We're still on cloud 9!!!!!!


Dianne's Dishes said...

Yeah! I'm so happy for you guys! :)

Kelly said...

AWWWWW!!!! That is SO great!!!
I am so happy for your family right now!!

Product Reviews said...


Atasha said...

Hey how didn't you pee your pants when you saw him walking towards you or maybe you did!

I've been messing with you for days woman.

Happy Happy Day!

Okay, I'll try to proofread BEFORE I hit publish

AnnaLiza said...

WOW TANYETTA!! That's gotta be one of the biggest smiles i've ever seen on your blog!!

Yay! Thank you God!!!

See you ALL next Sunday!!


ps- i just came from the dyson contest and was truly amazed. i hope i win!!

Special K ~Toni said...

Happy Homecoming! Enjoy the next few days!

Midori said...

YAY!!!!! I am so happy that he is back safely! DJ looks VERY happy to see his Daddy and you look fabulous too! What are you doing blogging, shouldn`t you be busy!?! ;-)

ShowURight said...

This is so wonderful!!! Enjoy your fully reunited family :)

LONDA said...

Fabulous JUST Fabulous! Enjoy your reunion :)

chelle said...


angie said...

I'm so happy for you guys! yipee!

Toni said...

Wow, what a beautiful sight; Daddy reuniting with his family after sacrificing and serving for us. Thank you BOTH for all the freedoms and rights we enjoy in this country (military wives are also my heroes).
p.s. your name caught my attention over at 5 minutes for Moms, as I have a cousin with a similar name; Tanya.

Granny said...


Justice Fergie said...

loving it!

Leigh said...

These pictures are so great!! Thanks for sharing them, and glad your hubby made it home safely.

I really like the one where DJ is helping carry the bag.

GreenDaddy said...

Those are wonderful pictures to behold.

Sylvie said...

WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!! How Wonderful!

K. said...

So wonderful!! Glad he is home.

CreoleInDC said...

I am sooooooooooo happy for you Princess! Tell hubby we're proud of him and are glad he's home safe!

Kimberly said...

That's wonderful! :-)

Lara said...

These photos made me want to cry! Your family is so beautiful. I just cannot imagine how you have felt having him gone and then home again. Congratulations!!!

the mystic said...

What a beautiful family you have -- happy reunion!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. Our family is military too. Your pictures of the homecoming reminded me of when my husband came back from the Gulf War. Prior to the deployment our son wasn't yet walking and when my husband returned 4 months later, I put my son on the tarmac and he toddled right over to his dad. His dad's first thought when he saw us "Why is Devra letting go of our son? He's gonna face plant right on the cement!" He had no idea his son could walk independently. I had told him he was "cruising" because I didn't want him to be left out of the whole walking thing entirely. Thanks for sharing the pictures and I hope you have a lovely homecoming (we always had a few days of honeymoon, then a few days of fighting, and then everything evened out.) Congrats on having him home!

The Amazing Trips said...

Yay!! I know I'm WAY behind on this - but after I saw your comment on my blog, today ... I was wondering when he was due back!!

I'm so glad that he's returned safe & sound!! :)


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