Monday, March 5, 2007

First Day of Parent 'n' Me Preschool

Today was the first day of Parent 'n' Me Preschool~ It's held once a week on Tuesdays from 10am-12:30pm. Fun times!
The official name is: Creative Beginnings for Parent & Me.--Children participate in creative activities in a preschool setting with their parents. There were Moms, Dads, Grandmas and all other caregiviers there. What a great concept!--

I was very impressed with the teacher. She's very patient and really great with the kids! Well, she's had over 10+ years and you can tell the kids really love her too!

DJ had a great time. Our 'homework' assignment: Find ways to incorporate directional words in our daily lives with our toddlers.

For example: DJ please go and get my slippers from UNDER my bed. DJ please pick UP your toys. DJ get your act together or mommy will be all OVER you! --Oops! wrong post. Nevermind.

Better examples would be: The cow jumped OVER the moon. The coat is on the LEFT side of your closet.
Ok, you get the idea right? Moving on--


Well, here they are together again. DJ and Leeaneli---They are Best Friends!
Today's Craft: Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss!

Today Leeaneli said DJ was her best friend. How beautiful was that? She is the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. I can't resist giving her the biggest hugs when I see her. Well, as you can see, my son feels the same way!

Ahhhhh thank God her mom is such a sweetheart and just realizes that my son is head over heels in awe of her daughter.
They are so cute together. Such sweet kids!

Here's the part where the teacher tells the kids to 'tip toe' to the table.

As you can seee my son's version of "tip toeing" (is that a word?)---it sure needs work. He really tried his best not to take toys from peers, push his friends, sit on other mommies towels and you can see this is the perfect place for him to get his act together. Because in a real preschool, I'm sure he would be sent to the 'naughty' chair.

Ok to all you PRO moms...How do you handle tantrums? Aggressive Behavior? I need all the help and advice! Thanks.

p.s. Oh wait, maybe I'm the only mom with a toddler who thinks the world revolves around him????


Midori said...

You are definitely not the only Mum whose toddler thinks the world revolves around them. We have one of those here as well! :-)

Atasha said...

I beat the living daylights out of him. No as much as I want to sometimes and I admit it, I am not crazy so I know it's wrong.

The thing is different methods work at different times.

I've done the holding thing, I've done the comforting thing or trying to distract him from the moment. so I'd say things like, You can't catch me I'll race you to the van. That works sometimes because he loves to run. I've also done the ignoring thing. And they have all worked at some point in time. And as you know I had started taking photos and the tantrum would stop when threatened to show it to grandma.

It just depends. Luckily we rarely have tantrums in public anymore. I'm glad because that mess was getting old. Throwing himself on the ground like I really gave a hoot.

I'll let you in on a secret. If it were up to me I would have left him on the ground until he grew tired and realized mommy didn't care but because people are around and would probably cite me for neglect I used to grab him up.

Oh, man this one is long, I also encourage him to "use words" now when he is screaming. I let him know mommy cannot help him nor understand him when he screams and you know what to my surprise it worked!

Atasha said...

Ok, I am selling that novel that I just completed on your comments.

Please send: $0.50 to my address or better yet my paypal account.. Hehehehe

Anonymous said...

ooh.. oohhhh can Gregory go? wow that is soo cool where did you find that? but you know I gotta go to work, can it be a "daddy and me" class? lol

Special K ~Toni said...

Glad he had fun!

Anonymous said...

LOL I think ALL toddler believe the world revolves around them!

Tantrums I ignore if I can. I let her know that when she is done, we can talk. That usually calms her down enough to talk things through. Becca has yet to be aggressive (knock on wood) but I think a "time out" as in removing them from the activity and having them sit down till things quieted down for them would work.

*Tanyetta* said...

Midori--thanks :)
Atasha--you crack me up. i can see you doing all of what you said in your comments. i need a hug :)
chylie--it's for all parents. not just for moms. tell my best friend rod to come on down :)
toni-thanks :)
chelle-thanks :)

Ladies, i'm going through it for real...i need some help with the 'aggressive' behaviour!

Melissa said...

I don't think I've EVER met a toddler who didn't think the world revolved around them. And guess what? They continue to believe that for awhile... :S I'm afraid I don't have much advice - seeing as my kids are a bit on the crazy side right now. One thing that does work for us on occasion is being consistant. They know that "this action" will have "that consequence" every time.

Anonymous said...

My 3 year old plays pretty well with other children, but if another kid tries to hit her she will definately cry. Than I remove her from the kid being "aggressive" because the other parents rarely tell their kids to play nice, or whatever. So I think if you want to stop a child from hitting etc, don't let the behavior slide. I don't know why other parents ignore their kids who are hitting other kids. But I see it a lot. Maybe its a stage or something???

~yolanda said...

DJ please pick UP your toys. DJ get your act together or mommy will be all OVER you! --Oops! wrong post. Nevermind.

Ok, that is hilarious. I laughed out loud. :-)

Zephra said...

Now she is cute!


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