Saturday, March 3, 2007


DJ and I went to Disneyland the other day and we had sooo much fun. We met Janet and her boys there. We had a great time.

The weather was perfect!!!

Here's where both our sons decided to have a "TANTRUM DUET"---Janet quickly nipped it in the bud! She gripped up both boys and still had a smile on her face---I love that woman! She's a supermomma for real.

If only I could figure out a way to bypass the 91 freeway to get there. My life would be so much easier!

Overall it was a really fun day!

more pics of disneyland


Anonymous said...

awww what cute pictures!
Glad you had such a wonderful time!

Crazy that DJ came home to a fever .. I am so hoping for both of you that it does not turn to the puking, diarrhea that we have had at our house!

Neets said...

bloggin is such a lovely thing to do... isnt it?! it lets you visit your own life, makes you look at it from a different angle and apart from that you get to take alook at how some one else's day went too!
have fun!
nice blog!

Monkey Man Miles said...

i tried to see more pics of disney and it said page not found!

Glad you had fun!

Special K ~Toni said...

I am SOOOOOOO jealous! Last year hubby and I went to Seaworld without the kids- it was fun to be bad parents- no crying or tears- just FUN!!

TJ said...

Looks like a fun time you had there!!
PS...I hate driving interstates...I'll go 10 miles out of my way to avoid it...hehe!

meljoy said...

congrats to having fun and i just noticed that your blog says darrin comes home in one month! dude, that's awesome!

Anonymous said...

We live close to Disney World now, but my oh my, I do miss Disney Land! When I lived in LA, I went there frequently.

Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I found your blog some kind of way. I think by way of Yolanda's blog?? Love your blog, your baby is amazing gorgeous, and you, well I think you are awesome too. Glad you had a good time at the disney park...

Melissa said...

Looks like a lot of fun! We haven't dared to take the kids to DisneyLand yet... even though we are only an hour and a half away. Maybe someday :)

Anonymous said...

Tantrum duet sounds scarry...but it seems that she could handle that perfectly...

Do you think she would come with me to Disneyland...just in case?


Tasha said...

Looks like you had lots of fun! I have never been to Disneyland but I just LOVE Disney World! Thanks for coming by my blog the other day:)

Kristen said...

LOL!! Lovin' the pic of her taking the temper tantrum boys into her own hands! That's great!

How fun! My daughter has been begging me to go to Disney Land for weeks. She doesn't quite get the concept that we live hundreds of miles from Disney Land and it'd be a more than a little different than walking down the street to the park! ;-)

Thanks for hangin' out at my blog and my party! nice to see you!

Gingers Mom said...

I went to Disneyland all the time while my husband was deployed. Keeps the little ones distracted and happy. Looks like a fun day!

Leigh said...

That's great. YOu and DJ do such neat things.

Good pictures too : )


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