Ok here we go--Another toddler battle.
Church was set to begin in 5 minutes, (it's a 15 minute drive) I'm always late to events. It's true what can I say? I'm always late. I try my best to be on time and it never works. Ok back to my original reason for posting.
My son wanted to have a fit over wearing his firetruck hat. I had NO time to fight with this kid. NO, you cannot wear the hat, he falls out and that's when I of course gave in.
So as you can see, he wore the hat in the house and then out to the car. When it was time to get out the car, it mysteriously 'disappeared' once he fell asleep on our way to church. Once he woke up of course he screamed for the firetruck hat but, we could NOT find it anywhere. Honest (wink wink).
Question: How do you manage to arrive to events on time with a toddler or two?
I don't. Not even to my own events that I plan. Not to the doctors appointments, not to our family outings, never.
It's just not possible and if anyone else tells me otherwise they are lying...hehehe
I would have let him leave it on- hes a kid - my husband always disagrees though - I tend to twrite down the apt fifteen min to a half hour earlier tahn I am supposed to be htere espeically when its weeks in advance so I get there at least on time.
i had fun with you guys too!! erianna's just a crank that will probly be shy when she's 45!! aggrrhh!! haha.
what i try to do, KEYWORD: try, is try to aim to get everyone in the car starting two hours before the start time of the event. so for school, (well not today cuz i'm dead tired) we're up at 6 (i'm not caring too much that kids need 12 hours of sleep) to try to be out the door by 9AM. Again, TRY is the key word, hahaha!
oh i forgot!
H A N D S O M E, handsome BOY!!! sweet suit!!!
He's so adorable! He just gets more and more handsome with every picture you take! As for the hat, I don't have any kids of my own . . .but if I did . . . I would have told him he could wear it all the way up until we entered the church. Then I would have explained to him that men and boys do not wear hats inside the church . . .only women and girls do. I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to be thought of as a girl. . .and probably would have been glad to remove it . . .lol!
Our family has a saying we tend to live by;
If you're there before it's over,
you're on time.
I think he looked like a cute "church-fireman"
I pick my battles too. Probably would have let him wear the hat.
As for getting there on time? I had to allow more much time than I should have needed and even so didn't always make it.
I either arrive or am on time, never both. hehe
hehe I am pretty casual too, and would have let her wear her princess cape, tutu, etc! He sure is cute in his Sunday best!
Hahaha!!! We've got this down to a fine art. We start leaving an hour before journey time, meaning if the destination is a fifteen minute drive, we start leaving an hour and fifteen minutes. We have timed this many times and it is always one whole hour (for T anyway) to get out that door. Even with 3 or 4 simple steps - change clothes, pack bag, put shoes on.....
That's why I am also late a lot and never have time for anything else!!!
If only the world understood just how much a toddler Sssss...UCKS out of you.
I used to be the always on time person. Now I have 4 kids to deal with and I always seem to be a little late no matter how early I start out.
I don't! Of course, I can't blame it totally on the 3 boys 3 and under because I wasn't that great at being on time in the first place.
I truly believe in picking battles too, especially with toddlers. You handled the situation really well. You have a wonderful conversational writing style. Keep up the good work. Your son is ADORABLE!
mom (raising4boys.com)
I never did. I was always late and even now continue to be late. This week I try getting up a little earlier and being better prepared.
It's inevitable with kids that at that last moment something is just going to happen.
Glad your Marine is coming home! We just had a homecoming yesterday!!
God bless,
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