Monday, March 12, 2007

We interrupt Days like these for Momma T to VENT:

Scene: Checkout station at the best place on earth besides Disneyland of course!

I handed the cashier my money. She placed my change on the counter! That's when my evil twin Barbara showed up. Yes, I call my evil twin Barbara. Doesn't everyone have an evil twin?

Anyways, back to the story---I stood there and said: "You've gotta be kidding me!-Did I put my money on the counter when I paid you?" She quickly picked up my change and apologized.

So to the cashier on line 5, it's not your fault that I haven't gotten laid in 7 months, or a good night's sleep in a LONG time!

---I'm sorry for snapping on you!! It's just a pet peeve to have my change put on the counter when I've handed it to someone!

Question: So to all my 3,000 4 readers out there, has this ever happened to you? Have you ever gone off on a total stranger, or someone that you know? Did you apologize? OR took the chicken non confrontational way out and blogged about it? LOL


Granny said...

Not often to a perfect stranger unless I'm totally provoked.

I'm more apt to take it out on someone close to me which makes me feel even worse.

Special K ~Toni said...

'non confrontational'- what's that??

Yes, my nerves get EXTREMELY shot while Hubby is deployed, usually right before he comes home.

As for the sex, I know! Goodness, do I know!

Atasha said...

Well as a matter of fact I had 2 incidents. One this past weekend at the BK drive thru and the other last week at Wendys. I went to get the chicken fries which the kids absolutely love at BK and they were good at the time so they got the "fatty treat"

First of all the intercom sucked. You know how that could be. she went wrong when she raised her voice at me and didn't even give me a total. when I got up to the window, I was pissed. I pulled up, took of my sunglasses and asked the b*tch "what is your problem? You don't have to be so rude" She did not respond. I paid, grabbed my food, made sure I saved the receipt to file my complaint and drove off.

The Wendy's incident I was in such a good mood after the woman's rude intercom tone that when I pulled up and saw she was about 8 months pregnant, I smiled at her asked her how she was doing and told her thankyou. I was soft that day but I also understood that even though she could have had a better attitude, 1st of all she was pregnant so that sort of said it all.

See I am a nice person afterall.

I usually always say something to sales associates, etc, because there really is no excuse for rudeness. It really gets under my skin especially when I am spending my money.

Atasha said...

Wait I forgot to add, you better becareful when your man gets home. I know sparks will be flying in that bedroom and I better not here that Ms Tanyetta is pregnant. Ha! I can laugh I was worried this month but thankfully my friend showed up.

Negro D said...

umm. grossss

Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your blog.
Love the way you write.
Have I gone off on a stranger?
just a couple of times...left me feeling like I kicked butt but then guilty. I think I'm too nice.

Stephanie said...

Oh hell ya. I was at the A&W the other day. I ordered a chicken sandwich, fries, and a rootbeer float. They put the sandwich and fries on the tray, then made the float which they over filled but hurried over to the tray so it wouldn't drip on the floor. So I had chicken-bun-lettuce-fries soup. I just looked at her and said,"I'm not eating that. Make another." Which they didn't like, but it wasn't like I was the one that made it crap.

Usually I am nice and patient with retail people (cashiers, waitresses, ect.) because I worked plenty of retail jobs and dealt with plenty of jerks.

Anna V said...

yes, i am shamefully passive. infact, my parenting was insulted as well as my children yesterday. it was done by my mother! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? and instead of standing up for myself and my kids, i hung up and wept, seriously wept.

i wish i was more smarter (yes smarter) enough to have some integrity for myself.

shameful, just shameful (me, that is)

Anonymous said...

I used to get upset if the food I ordered was wrong or whatever, until I saw a Dr. Phil episode, (which I rarely watch) but he had a segment about restaurant staff messing with rude customers orders. Which made me not want to eat out again. It was pretty disgusting to say the least. If I am being treated rudely I think it is their problem not mine. But than I think oh well, I don't want to sweat the small stuff, they are getting paid minimum wage afterall, can it get any worse?

Slackermommy said...

Oh girl, you know I chickened out with the Target experience I posted about today! I did go off on a mom at my oldest daughter's dance recital because she was saving seats and that was not allowed. I sat my ass down and told her I wasn't getting up unless she could pick me up. Don't mess with me when it comes to my kids!

Capucine C said...

HA HA... I try not to go off on strangers but I know I am guilty....

Leigh said...

I remember going completely off on a waiter at O'Charley's. I asked him what his name was first and then let him have it. Carlos, the waiter, just stood there with this blank look on his face. My husband looked on like he was ready to melt into the floor.

The service was horrible,and unfortunately Carlos got an earful for some things that were out of his control.

We ended up with an apology and a free meal.

desperatelyseeking said...

I did snap at a stranger once. My very wild daughter, who was about 1 1/2 or 2 years old at the time, leaped out of the shopping cart. Before she fell on her head, I caught her. The lady behind me started whispering to her friend. I turned around and said very snotty, "I don't need your comments." You couldn't believe the look on her face.

I don't normally snap at people like that. No one knows what it is like to live with my little girl. I have been a teacher for 10 years and I don't think I've ever had a child push my buttons like she does.


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