Monday, April 23, 2007

My Morning Rant about Dogs

Warning--If you're a dog lover and a grammar expert, you may get offended by this, so it's up to you whether or not you want to read the following:

What's the deal with this one guy who walks his dog with OUT a leash every morning? This one particular morning I was not in the MOOD to cross the street. I've been crossing the street every time I see this guy coming. I'm getting really annoyed just thinking about it again!

I yelled out to him, "is your dog on a leash?" (rhetorical question of course) since I could clearly see the dog was NOT on a leash. He says, oh don't worry, he won't hurt a fly. Then he put the dog on the leash that was stuffed in his pocket. Geez, you mean to tell me, you had a leash but, thought it unnecessary to put it on your dog?

I'm really annoyed. You know what, if he's out walking the dog tomorrow with OUT a leash, I'm going to follow him home and report him. To who? The Pet Police? I'm just so annoyed that he would walk his dog with OUT a leash. Dogs are unpredictable and I thought there was a law against walking a dog with OUT a leash. Urrgh! I guess this is my hint that I should NOT walk early in the mornings anymore????

There goes my mission to get rid of the extra 25 pounds that will NOT seem to leave my hips!! Oh and it doesn't help that I see these two ladies power walking every morning and they are clearly in their 60's. Power Walking at age 60????? *sigh*

This reminds me of the lady who told me her dog would NOT bite me because he doesn't like black people!!! Yes, you read that correctly. Some people are just plain nuts! Maybe I'll blog about that at another time. It happened last summer but, it's still a pretty funny story. Funny but, not like haha funny. Nevermind.
---Awwwww....Yes, I love it and my friend Kelli could NOT stop laughing because she was there to witness the fun!!


Special K ~Toni said...

I'm with you on the leash. I hate it when people 'assume' their dog won't hurt anyone. Until they chase after a child, and end up on the 6 o'clock news saying 'he's never done that before'. Morons! Also, alot of children (and uh, you... maybe?) are afraid of dogs, even friendly dogs.

You can come to my house, I will put my vicious 11 pounder in his kennel. I wouldn't want him to pee all over you! Also, he doesn't care what color you are- just as long as you aren't male. You aren't toting around any extra 'appendages', are you?

Justice Fergie said...

as my mom would say: "not funny haha, but funny peculiar" :)

we hate leash-less dogs too. especially the ones that find it amusing to run onto our front lawn to do their business. grrrr. my husband keeps threatening to leave some "drano meatballs" lying around the yard. just kidding. maybe.

J. A. Blackburn said...

I totally agree. We have a neighbor (who I HATE) who never has his dog on a leash... lets it run about, pooping on everyone else's lawn. When my neighbor walked by with her 3-year old daughter, the dog ran toward them and the man yelled out, "Careful, he sometimes bites children." EXCUSE ME? I just HOPE he tries that with me... I'll call animal control!

Military Mommy said...

I cannot believe that lady said that. *Rolling eyes*

Thanks for the prayers for my husband and for dropping by my blog. Your design is super cute. I love the pic of your boy at the top. He is a cutie. :)

love, Michelle

Special K ~Toni said...

I was reading Justice Fergies comment about the drano meatballs- My dad once got so tired of his 'weird' neighbors letting 2 of their 3 dogs roam, and use their yard for a bathroom, that one day he loaded them up and took them to the ASPCA. Neighbors never did look for those dogs. People are idiots!

D-dawg said...

wow, I am so on your side with that one. Dogs must be on leashes and when they aren't and my kids are around I am mad!

LAVA said...

That was such an ignorant statement for that lady to make about the dog not liking black people. Sigh. I REALLY wish people would get over this nonsense. Dogs aren't racist....people are.

Granny said...

I'm with you and I like dogs (not as well as cats though).

When I see a large dog off a leash and unattended, I call animal control. When they're with their owner, I remind them of the leash laws - once.

The next time, I make the phone call.

I did make one exception for a wonderful puppy who wandered into our yard last week. I wish I could have kept him but I found him a home with my friend. Poor little guy was lost and nobody was claiming him.

I'm not sure any animal can be totally trusted. My own dog bit a child years ago in Arkansas. It was the child's fault in some ways. The dog was tied, the kid was tormenting him, and it was a very hot day. The dog bit, the dog left that very afternoon for a farm where he could run free and be away from kids. We have lots of cats but we haven't had a dog since and won't unless I have a huge back yard where the dog has a chance to be a dog.

angie said...

One of my brothers, recently got bitten by a leashless german shepard! It scared him to death and luckily it just put holes in his pants and not his leg- he got lucky. People can be so thoughtless and dogs are unpredictable- they are animals!

Sallie said...

yeah, we call her the dog nazi here at our base..LOL.. my pet peeve is the no picking up after the messes...

Anonymous said...

I don't mind so much the off-leash thing as I mind when people don't pick up after their dogs. We live right by a big open space, and tons of people play frisbee with their dogs out there (including us). When my husband sees someone letting their dog poop without picking it up, he calls out to them to see if they need a bag. They usually mumble something and say that they would love a bag. One day, a guy flat out refused to pick it up, so my husband followed him home and reported him to animal control. Stepping in dog poop is gross - don't those people know that?! And the lady who said that her dog doesn't like black people... what a moron. I suppose her dog does bite people of other races, and she still lets it wander off leash?


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