Saturday, April 21, 2007

Potty Training Fun.

On Days like these, I just want to scream. But, honestly, who would hear me or care???

Here's a rundown of what just happened in our house----

Our morning routine

Put DJ on the potty first thing when he wakes up


15 mins after he eats Breakfast, it's back to the potty


5 mins. later DJ says--ewww yucky (you know the last time that happened, there was a nice present for me on the kitchen floor)

This time we rush to the potty and sit for what seemed to be 100 days.


I'm cheering him on and sitting on the toilet across from him, cheering him on saying see...mommy's potty too, yes, sounds very exciting but, I'm trying here!
and after all that fun--


I pulled his pants back on and not less than 5 minutes later, he says, DJ potty (yes my son speaks in the 3rd person) ---the stench knocked me off my feet, ---my son had a present for me in his pants!!

I said: "DJ go in your potty, not in your pants ok?" He said: "DJ go in your potty, not in your pants?"

He repeats it as if to acknowledge that he clearly understands what he's supposed to do but, has chosen NOT to.

Ahhhh yes, I'm loving this stage of toddler/potty training.

Question: What worked for you when you were potty training your tots??????


Raquita said...

school -
Cammy WANTED to potty after going to schoool with kids who do go potty. I would make some playdates with older kids (like a year or two older) and make a big deal when they go potty. He'll want to go too.

chelle said...

Naked ... I let the kid go naked for a week waist down. She had accidents no doubt but she totally saw the cause and effect. By the end of the week 100% on the potty, then we added underwear ...

Karen S. said...

I was very frustrated as well with potty training. When I was researching potty training a common theme seemed to be praise and positive reinforcement. I came across a website called We hung it in the kitchen and named the little boy on the front of the package, Bobby. My son could not wait to go to the potty so he could push the button, hear the praising message, and get his chocolate reward from, Bobby. It really got my son excited about using the potty himself and it was fun for him. Because he became so involved, potty training was easy. So give it a try. Good Luck!

Special K ~Toni said...

Seriously- I think you are doing it to young. My first was started around 2- daycare. Luke- waited til he was 3 and a half. Only took 3 days. I just think it takes boys longer to 'catch on'. Like they don't feel it or something.

We did a sticker chart, then after a week of no accidents he went on a special outing w/ daddy. Didn't take long at all.

AnnaLiza said...

one grueling saturday.

the kid walks around with no undie's or pants and i'm captive to bringing him/her to the potty every hour on the hour sacrificing the priorities of the day.

it worked all three times. but i have to say, the day goes by so slow. in the end, no more diapers, which means more money for groceries... until they're teens, that is. =I

Justice Fergie said...

ah yes...i am sooo glad we are just getting through this stage with Oldest. Isn't it nuts? The only tip I have for you is to be consistent. You're already doing the right things and he'll catch on. I will say that it's harder for them to do "number 2" on the potty at first. But when they'll be dancing in the streets!!! Because table food + pullup = mommy at her wit's end.

Carina said...

This sounds exactly like what my son did. He would tell me exactly what he was supposed to do with his poo and pee, but couldn't care less whether or not he actually did it. Finally, about 2 months before he turned three, I switched him to big boy pants one day (instead of pull-ups)and it just worked. I'd tried switching him before and only ended up with messes. This time it worked. He was almost immediately completely trained day and night, and has been for months now. I've heard so many people say that you just have to wait until they're ready. It was certainly true for us!

Vause said...

I will be potty training my little girl soon. Thanks for the tips. Also, you may want to contact ING DIRECT to find out how to link your bank account to your savings. It only took me a phone call.

michyla said...

"Are you and DJ looking in my Window?" Me and G are going through the EXACT same thing!!!
Gotta love our boys!!

J. A. Blackburn said...

ugh. Potty training is such a nightmare. I think every child is different, so would hesitate to give you "the rules"... if you want to read about our (ahem) adventures, you can here.

Good luck!

Sylvie said...

Looks like you got some good advice from the comments, I will be using some of it. I am also working on the potty training thing. No fun at all! He uses the potty here and there, but I am soo over buying diapers. I am ready for this kid to be a full time potty goer!

angie said...

My boys got a little reward of sweets after they would go. They still get a treat if they go #2 but that will soon change because they are big boys now. Also, we taught them how to stand and "shoot the water" boys just like to shoot/spray stuff so that really worked. I've heard of some moms putting cheerios in the potty for their boys to target and shoot!

Toni said...

LOL! I have this to look forward to...again. Very funny spin on an otherwise thankless job.

Granny said...

Can he be trusted to be in the bathroom by himself with the door open? I remember the girls preferred privacy.

We used stickers as a reward and cute panties as an incentive (that wouldn't work with boys but cute little jockeys might).

I put the panties, still wrapped, in a drawer. Once they'd completed a couple of days without accidents, the Pull-ups came off and the panties went on.

I'm not sure now how young they were because I've never been in a rush about potty training but I know it was long before they started preschool and it wasn't a hassle.

Qtpies7 said...

All I can say, after successfully potty training 5 of my 7 kids......
Good luck with that!


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