I'm trying to improve my cooking skills. I really am. I'm trying. Can you tell?
That flylady website is not helping me at all. I feel like such a slacker mom/wife when I read it. I'm like dang, these people are good! Cooking, Cleaning, Flying, Shining Sinks, OMG...
I know there are a million cookbooks, shows, websites out there for the people like me. I'm still on the lookout for that one tip for people who get knots in their stomach when it's their turn to cook. Hmmmm.....
Here's the kicker---The fam protests when I serve Capn' Crunch for dinner. Geez. Whatever happened to, "it's the THOUGHT that counts?"
Question: Who does the cooking in your house?
What sites, books, etc... have you used for those "I have NO idea what to cook" days?
Your eggplant parm looks scrumptious. You have NO reason to feel like a slacker mom/wife....but you certainly make me feel that way since I only do the cooking in my house 1 or 2 days a week.
I stick to the really simple stuff though. Not much of a cook so you are not alone in that department. Thankfully I have people in my life who love to.
Unfortunately I am the 'chef' in the K house! Tonight we are having a variety of leftovers, make yourself a sandwich or cereal. I do this at least twice a week. I don't remember in my wedding vows saying I would cook every night!
Your eggplant parm looks yummy!
Eggplant is not the easiest thing to cook. I'm proud of you and yes, it does look good.
We share the cooking and lately Rebecca (youngest) has joined in by taking responsibility for Saturday morning brunch.
Happy Mother's Day!!
I am responsible for all the cooking in our house and it is one of my biggest problems! I hate cooking and it is such hard work trying to think of what to cook every day of the week and provide variety and nutritional balance! I am just lucky that Joey doesn`t complain yet about eating more or less the same thing for lunch every day!!! LOL! I have no real suggestions for good books/ websites as mine are all the Japanese version of "Good Housekeeping" or stuff like that.
that seriously looks delish. maybe its bcuz i loove eggplant, cheese and marinara?! mmmm! for the kids, i make the boring kid stuff, mac-n-cheese, hot dawg and rice, spam n rice, etc. i'm trying to go vegan because these stinkin' clothes don't fit and i don't want to spend money on more clothes for myself. yah know???
Well that dish looks pretty good to me!
Maybe try watching the Food Channel...I get ideas from watching it, especially the Sandra's Almost Homemade, or whatever it's called.
I find southern recipes the easiest, and they taste great. About.com has a whole category for southern foods. Stir-fry Chinese and Italian are super easy. Hispanic meals are easy as well: arroz con pollo, bean dishes and torillas.
Check out Tammysrecipes.com...easy homemade recipes. The link is at my blog too.
I also use a Mennonite cookbook which has some very basic easy meals, very tastey. It's called More With Less. I got it at Amazon very inexpensively. Link at my blog sidebar if you can't find it. I'm thinking about getting more Mennonite recipe books.
If you are pressed for time, a really easy meal is frozen mixed veggies in a pot with a little oil and seasonings. I use Adobo(hispanic seasoning). Cover and cook on medium for about ten minutes, stir a few times. Then make some rice in another pot, and throw a roast(any meat) in a pan with little water, little oil and more seasoning.
Cook the roast, meat, what have you until done...usually about an hour if thick roast, just check it in the middle with a knife. I use a quess setting of about 350-375 degrees.
In about an hour, you are done! For variety, you can add different things to the meat each time you cook: mushroom soup, wine, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, herbs, onion soup mix, etc. I always use a seasoning salt though...otherwise it's too bland.
Sorry...this is getting too long, and probably more than you wanted to know, LOL. I love your blog...I'm a silent reader. :)
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