The cruise was absolutely beautiful, the views were breath taking and the food*
was soooooooo good.
Don't forget to kiss for good luck once you go UNDER the Coronado Bridge.
As soon as you board the ship, there's a photo opp with this sign for $20.
Are they serious? $20 for a 5x7 photo?
Hint: Just wait until you're sailing, pull out the sign and sneak in a photo or photos for FREE! HaHa. We are so bad!
As Rachel Ray would say, Yummmm-o!
*my apologies for (posting meat and green beans) to my non-vegetarian friend
LULU you know i love ya!!!! :)
The music was on point. The DJ played some really great songs, we danced and danced and danced!---
I sweated out my curls. Hey, that's a good night!
Oh wait, the best part, when our bill arrived, our drinks were PAID for! The waiter said "they" wanted to thank us for our service. I suspect it was the really sweet couple we met in line outside. We were chatting about our teenagers, toddlers, life and how Darrin just got back from Iraq, etc...How cool is that. Of course, I scanned the area once we got off the ship to look for the couple to thank them. Darrin said, "leave it alone and just be thankful." Let's go!
We had a great time celebrating our anniversary this weekend!
Fun, Fun, Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overall we had a really great time! If you've NEVER gone on the Hornblower Cruise, put it on your to do list.
If you're military OR if you have military friends, be sure to purchase the tickets on base instead of through the cruise line. You'll SAVE over $30.
My girlfriend
Michyla kept DJ for us. She is super sweet! Again, Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course he was PERFECTLY behaved at her house. He took naps, ate all his food, went to bed at a decent hour withOUT protest, not once did he throw goldfish crackers on her floor or dig his shoes in her couch! HaHaHa....
Question: Why are kids so perfect when they're not around their parents?
Congrats on the anniversary!
Looks like you had a blast!!
Oh yeah...and Happy Anniversary too!
Looks like fun! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a wonderful day!
Happy Anniversary! Miss T I am not offended by your pics.....but even if the green beans got me down that cheesecake more than made up for it.
You guys make me so y'all are still dating after being married so long. Wow!
Naughty, naughty ....taking down the sign....but hey it's a great way to save money. :-)
Glad to hear you and the hubby had a blast!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!
Well Happy Anniversary. Sounds like you had a great time!!! How sweet that somebody paid your tab.
Happy Anniversary!! What a great way to celebrate.
May the peace of God be with you and your family now, always, and forever.
Happy Anniversary!
Your cruise pics remind me that I'm on a cruise from next month, going to Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Holland, Belgium, then back home to England.
How fun! Mmmm... that cheesecake looks SOOOO yummy. I just LOVE cheesecake. Great. Now my mouth is watering. LOL!
Happy Anniversary and thank you so much for stopping by my place. I hope to see you around. :)
pardon the "a" in the comment! Sorry, I think this Carolina sun is getting to me! You both looked so happy and in love. Congratulations on your anniversary and I wish you both many more blessed years together. Now you know "lil man" has to impress the ladies by behaving like a gentleman! LOL!!! Take care.
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
btw, your son looks just like you~
What a fabulous anniversary! the food looked great. and the bootleg photo? that is SO something my hubby and I would do :) glad you had fun.
Happy anniversary! I hope this is the very best year yet :)
Sweating out your curls dancing on your anniversary is definately a good thing. It sounds like you guys had a fantastic time.
Wish you many many many more happy years.
Sweated out your curls? Now that is a good time!
Hey There,
I'm new to your blog, wanted to say Happy Anniversary!!!
Look like you two had a wonderful time....congrats!!
Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had fun! The food looks yummy too.
Your anniversary date looks awesome! I am so happy for you and your husband! What fun. The food does look good and what a neat surprise to have your drinks paid for! You guys look so happy and cute! congrats!!
How many years have you guys been married? Happy anniversary!!!
We went on the Hornblower up here in S.F. and it was nice! We didn't get to dance though which was too bad. I had to laugh at you sneaking a picture... that is so something I would have done? $20.00 for a 5x7??? Rip off!
Happy Anniversary.
...I want to leave & go on a cruise....
Happy Anniversary!
yay! happy anniversary!!!!!!!!!
Happy belated anniversary! Sounds like you had a wonderful night out!
(I'm late) HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! no problem T you know he can come over any time! we had a BLAST!! G was the one that needed a "timeout" lol
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