Tackle it Tuesday over at
5 minutes for mom.

Now, before you say that is a shame my under sink looks this way, please just say a prayer for me first.
Then you can talk junk (no pun intended of course) about me later.. HaHa.
Yeah, I know we have way too many sponges, cascade and clorox wipes. Did I mention I have issues?
Well, as I mentioned, this is my FIRST attempt in partipating in the Tackle it Tuesday.
Please!!!! be sure to comment on what I need to get rid of.
My husband said get rid of it all. ALL OF IT.NOW.
Yeah well, they need to get rid of Target first. Like that's gonna happen!--
Ok nevermind. *sigh*
you did a wonderful job--welcome to TIT!! Have a great week.
tah-dah!!!!!!!!!!!!! great job!!! looks excellent!
LINK: when you go back into your blogger, take a good look at the "tackle it tuesday" link address. you'll see that it begins with "a href"
that right there is where you replace the address with this: http://www.5minutesformom.com/160/tackle-it-tuesday-update/
i hope it shows up. if not, i'll email you the thing again.
Well done!!!!
Okay, a few things:
I can NOT believe you are the mother of a 19-year-old. Were you 10 when you had her ;)
We also do date night - usually every week... and we take stacks of photos - in fact, my tackle is about photos.
Can you not use the same product for multiple purposes? I have some other ideas too - let me know if you want more input.
Nice to meet you!
Great job!!
You have the same stuff I do and store it the same way.
I need a Tackle it Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, etc. etc.
Lovely job! Thanks for providing such motivating pictues too. I've yet to get my tackle done, but I'll say, for your first time around, you performed splendidly! Welcome!
Welcome to Tackle it Tuesday! You did a super job - all nice and organized now. I don't think I have as much stuff under mine, but I do believe mine was much messier than yours!
this should be my tackle next week. thanks for the idea :)
Lol, once you have been through a tackle or two you will discover that your cupboard is not nearly as embarassing as some of the stuff some of us have to tackle, lol. We're all in this mess together:)
Not sure what you can get rid of, but you could start by not buying anymore stuff until you are down to the last bit of the last one of something, lol.
You tackled it very well!
Welcome to TIT!!! It's such a fun thing to do, you did a great tackle for your first! :)
Whooohooo! That was great! Makes me want to do it. Take the challenge.
Did you know there is an I Love New York 2 coming soon. Yes I watched it too...not the best thing to watch but it was entertaining.
Good job getting the stuff straightened out. I notice that you have two of the same clorox cleaner so you may want to take the OCD in hand and use up one completely and then not replace it (the yellow one). I have lots of cleaning stuff under my sink too and it is all jumbled up too.
Great Job and Nice to Meet You!
Wow, the "after" picture looks great! Tackle it Tuesday sounds like a great idea... I'm ok (not great!) at keeping the visible areas of my house clean, but there are some out-of-sight areas that could use some serious tackling. One thing I've found with cleaning supplies - baking soda and vinegar work on just about anything. I have a bottle of lavendar oil floor cleaner than I use on wood floors, and a bottle of Simple Green that works for really tough stuff. Other than that, I've got spray bottles of vinegar everywhere. One under the sink, one in the shower (spray the walls before you get out of the shower, and mildew never gets started), one in the other bathroom... It's great stuff, and super cheap to buy in huge bottles and refill all my sprayers.
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